I jump into Tartarus

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I..I am really sorry for taking so long to update. But, I had my final examinations and as soon as they were over, I lost two people close to me. Can't write in a mood like that, can I? But anyway, here I am. Let's hope such a long break never comes again.

 We have reached one step closer to the 200k mark. A mark that I had never really expected nor imagined I would reach, especially considering that my first story was barely 35k words long. XD

So, how's the pic I posted above? That is Hestia, if you are wondering.

To important matters, I have said this a hundred times. I am never going to abandon or discontinue this story. Maybe take a break from it for a month or so, but no abandoning. So, if anyone wants to copy the plot or do a reading, please ask for permission or at least inform me before you do it.

Do join my server on discord. There you'll find the latest themes and other content related to the stories I am writing. Also, I try to provide graphic visualization there. The link is :


It is also present on my profile.

Now to address some reviews from last time:

Now let us begin today's badassery without any further delays.


Last Time :

"Yeah. Let's go. And if there is a problem, we can always have Grover speak to those animals. He's a satyr after all. Animals respect him." Annabeth spoke in her ever knowledgeable tone. 

Grover gave his agreement to the matter and they started to move towards the van. Before they reached, Percy turned back to Ares and spoke, "Just so you know, it was terrible doing business with you. I'd surely never give you a five star rating. Boo." He gave the god of war a thumbs-down and opened the back door of the van. 

The inside was extremely dark and he was not able to see anything. So, he made sure that he wasn't in the clear sight of his friends before closing his eyes. Opening them, he was able to see everything clearly thanks to the enhanced snake slits in place of his eyes. Percy swore that this was undoubtedly the most useful power he possessed. Even more so than hydrokinesis.

Fortunately, right beside him was a light switch for the van. Raising his hand, he switched on the lights and heard two gasps behind him. In front of the demigods were three huge glass containers. And inside them were three equally huge……….


This was definitely not a legal van for the zoo. It wasn't possible, as none of the regulations and precautions that had to be followed while shifting snakes were present inside. Percy swore loudly. This was surely an illegal transgression going on. 

But before he could speak, his advanced hearing caught the voice of two men speaking, getting louder as they approached. Immediately turning his eyes back to normal, he turned back, pulled Annabeth and Grover inside and shut the door behind them. Checking behind him, he saw that the three snakes were fortunately asleep. Or maybe even unconscious due to the sedatives they had no doubt been given. He shut off the lights and crouched down, waiting to hear the noise of the van starting.

Five minutes passed before Percy heard the sound of two doors shutting and the engine of the van starting. Letting out a sigh of relief, Percy again switched on the lights and turned to his companions. 

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