Y/n's POV:-

I take a warm sip of my tea as I see my telephone ringing. I pick it up and I can hear my receptionist say "Ms. Y/n you have a client and they're asking you to meet" I immediately start "Yes send them in". After a few minutes I can hear a knock on my door. I close my documents which were lying on the table and I say "Come on in" I see the door open and two men with a black suitcase rushing in the office. They sit down on the chair and start speaking with tears in their eyes while I am being confused "Miss Y/n you're one of the best lawyers in New York City please help us we're stuck in this murder case"

I immediately try to console them and start "Well please don't cry and tell me whatever that has happened" he starts while catching his breath "My name is Ben Marcus and Ive witnessed a murder I was walking upto my boss's office late in the evening when everyone left the office and he was working late, so was I and I heard a loud thud on the wall I immediately gasped and started banging on my Boss's door his name is Michael so I somehow broke the door and walked in as soon as I walked in I saw my boss laying dead on the ground".

I cut him off and said "So do you know who's the murderer and did you hamper the dead body?" He started in a sad tone "No I did not hamper the dead body and I immediately ran out of there and I have a suspect on the Boss's secretary and her name is Rose Bennett" I was taking notes while he was telling me the crime scene I close my pen cap and start "Ok so what is your company's name?" He immediately says "Its Rosewood steels" I immediately start "isn't it the company which went through a fraud case last year" he bows his head down and says

"Yes it is" I say it out of confusion "Wait who's the person who filed a case against you?" He says in a depressing tone "Madeline, Michael's ex wife" I start "Why do think that only Rose Bennett is the suspect it could be Madeline" He starts in a serious tone " Rose Bennett was also his girlfriend and Madeline and Rose were on a good terms they were best friends but since the time she found out that Rose is dating her husband she never talked to her and now that night when the murder took place Rose was also there in the office but when I opened the door she was not there"

"Why were you in the office that night?" I ask him he said without any hesitation "I had to complete the datasheet of our sales and give it to him so I immediately finished the datasheet and went to his office to tell him I'm going home" I sigh and go back towards the of the chair and take an immediate backrest as I got a strain in my back while sitting erect. "So who's fighting the case against me?" I asked him in a confident voice he said out of hesitation "It's Sophie Maxwell" I immediately gave a devilish smile while I closed my book "Sophie is it?" They both nodded.

"So are Madeline and Rose on talking terms?" He said out of confusion while clearing his throat " I guess so..." I nodded and said "Well Mr. Marcus I'm happy to take this case" Both of them were relieved and said "Thank you so much Ms. Y/n it means a lot!" They pull up the suitcase and put it up on the table and start "Here is your advance" I take the suitcase and smile. They walk out of the cabin and I sigh, I open the suitcase and I see the money. I close it back and place it besides me.

I think to myself Sophie Maxwell ah how can I forget her. She's my rivalry. We've been best friends since Law college. It was our trio, Me, Sophie and Shawn. Sophie wanted Shawn and Shawn wanted me. That's what ruined the friendship. Well at the end I too had feelings for Shawn but not much. She didn't forget about this and that's why we never talked. I pick up my telephone and tell my receptionist to send Shawn in. Shawn works with me in my firm, we opened this firm together.

I hear a knock on my door, I sigh and say "Come in" Shawn comes inside with a smile on his face and sees me in a state of worry. He sits on the chair and says "What happened Y/n you didn't even smile at me" I get up from my chair and walk up to the window. I start with almost tears in my eyes with a breaking voice "Shawn do you remember Sophie?" Shawn says nothing for a while and immediately says out of hesitation "OFCOURSE how can I forget her" I turn towards him and say "I'm fighting a case against her"

Shawn gets up from the chair and walks up towards me with sign of worry and anger on his face he starts with a breaking voice "Are you sure Y/n she's been your best friend since the start" I hug Shawn and say "It's ok Shawn I have to do it work comes first" He rubs my back in circles in order to calm me down. And then we break the hug and Shawn says in a confident tone "So are you ready to fight this case!?" I take a deep breath and put a smile on my face and say "Yes of course I am!" Then Shawn and I Sit in my office the whole day discussing about the murder case.

As we were discussing, Shawn points out a query and turns to me "Y/n'' I try to listen to him while I'm going through the papers. I look at him and he starts "What if Madeline is still friends with Rose and they planned this murder together to take all the money of Michael afterall he's the CEO of the company" I turn towards him while clicking my pen "But Shawn we haven't talked to Rose or Madeline and we don't even know if they're still on talking terms and we don't even know who's the murderer" Shawn takes a heard able sigh and arcs his head behind on the chair.

"Well we can do one thing" I say out of excitement. He looks at me and says"What?" "We could visit the crime scene after lunch," I said happily. He turns to me "Ahahaha I love visiting crime scenes" we both close our documents and head out for lunch. During lunch or dinner it's our rule we never talk about work it ruins the mood. So we sit in a nice restaurant, while I go through the menu I order my food and so does Shawn and then we have some time until the food comes.

Shawn turns to me while playing with my hands "Honey..." I look at him and smile "Yes Shawnie" He looks at me in complete awe and says "How did I get so lucky" and I'm like "No how did I get this lucky!?" While I blush I speak to cut the tension "Ew why are we being this cheesy" Shawn rolls his eyes in disagreement. When the food comes I immediately dig in and say "Ahh I'm so hungry" Shawn starts with a sly smile on his face "So am I, but.." he takes a long pause while I have noodles in my mouth he says "For you" while smirking and I immediately choke on food.

While he gives me water to drink. I clean my mouth with tissue paper and scold him "Yeah Mr. Mendes you always wanna make me choke" he says with a smile on his face "Of Course not you we're so stressed today so just wanted to light up your mood" I say with a smile on my face "Thank you so much but now please finish up your food we gotta go!" He says "Yes ma'am". We both finish out food we split the bill (A/n: this user follows gender equality norms and believes in splitting the bill). We head out.

I hope yal liked it till here please vote amd let me know you're thoughts in the comment section! Love love!

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