Y/n's Pov:-

We reached the office and it was sealed. I can see a couple of police officers standing out. We try to get in the office but they stop us and ask us "Where are y'all headed" I immediately remove my card and so does Shawn and I say in a confident voice "Nice to meet you I'm Y/n Y/l/n I'm the lawyer and I'm the CEO of S.M and associates firm" he takes my card and Shawn starts "Nice to meet you I'm Shawn Mendes and I'm the co founder of S.M associates and a lawyer." And I start "We would like to visit the crime scene" he lets us in.

The whole office was sealed with tapes saying 'crime scene do not cross' Shawn and I moved past the tapes and the moment we reached the cabinet I stopped. As I can see Sophie with her assistant who was a boy they both were talking to each other and the boy was rubbing her back in circles not in a comforting way but in a sultry way. I turn towards Shawn and say with my eyebrows arched  "Why are they acting so unprofessional I dare you Shawn if you act like this while we're working"

He immediately says "No ofcourse I won't"
Sophie and I look at each other. I don't say anything and move forward. The forensic doctor standing over there Shawn starts talking to the doctor "So doctor what was the cause of death?" The doctor sighs and says "It seems to be a sudden death. There were no cuts or bruises on the victim's body which completely shocked me" Shawn and I look at each other in confusion.

Shawn starts with a sign of hesitation in his speech "Was any poison found in his body?" The doctor scratches the back of his neck and starts "Yeah we've sent the body for autopsy" we both nod our heads and I start "thank you doctor, can you tell us who's in-charge of the investigation case?" He says with a confident voice "Mr. Jacob  and his team of detectives are handling the case" We both nod and move past to examine the crime scene.

I looked at the couch in his office which had coffee spilled on it. I wear my gloves and try to examine it. As far as I can see, someone sat on the couch drinking the coffee and then something happened and that person spilled coffee on the couch. As I was thinking I could feel a strong figure standing behind me I turned around to see a police officer. He says with a confident voice "Hi I'm Jacob from NYPD and this is my team" he points to the other police officials standing across the room. I start "Nice to meet you officer Jacob I'm Y/n y/l/n a criminal lawyer and CEO of the SM and associates firm"

He says with a little excitement in his voice "Of Course Ms. Y/l/n who doesn't know you, one of the finest lawyers in New York, it's a great honor for me and my team to work with you" we shake  hands with each other. I can see Shawn coming towards me, he stands besides me and then officer Jacob introduces himself to Shawn, Shawn starts "so officer Jacob what do you think of the crime scene?" He says while chuckling "there's lack of evidence we're still searching for it the killer was very intelligent he cleared all the evidences and walked away quietly"

Shawn starts "and when will we get the autopsy reports?" He says immediately "this evening for sure, we'll mail to your office" I start "no no officer Jacob we'll be there at NYPD to collect it" he nods in order of agreement. I spot something else too, I can see the window is broken and the wine glass has a little blood on it which the forensic doctors were collecting, I turn to Shawn "we need the forensic reports today It self !" He says "Yes we need them there are a lot of suspicious things happening in this crime scene"

We both head out of the office and I see Sophie with her assistant, I turn towards Shawn "Should we go talk to her?" He says while squeezing my hand "Are you sure?" I nod and we proceed to meet Sophie, I tap on Sophie's shoulder she turns around and smiles "Hello Y/n and hello Shawn" I start "Hi Sophie it's so nice to meet you after such a long time" Shawn cuts me off and says "Yeahh hi Sophie, it's been 10 years since we last saw each other" Sophie smiles with a little agony in her eyes and starts "So Y/n one of the finest lawyers in New York huh?" I shrug my shoulders and say "it's nothing, we both worked hard for this" she looks at us.

She then turns to her assistant and introduces him to us "Y/n and Shawn. This is Tyler, my assistant and my boyfriend" we both shake hands with him. He gives me a sultry hand shake while I press his hand so hard that it becomes red. Shawn sees that and smiles to himself. (A/n: Y/n is a strong woman and does not need a man to protect herself) I start "So Sophie would you like to grab a coffee with us?" She says with a smile on her face " Yeah sure" four of us walk towards the nearest coffee shop. We sit down, Shawn and Tyler ask our orders. I start, "You know my usual '' so Sophie tells her order and surprisingly we both still order the same drink.

I look at her and wheeze "The same old Almond Caramel mocha" and she says "Yeahh since the time you bought me one I just love it"  I chuckle "Hehe the taste I've got" she says "Yeah in men also, like Shawn he's a fine taste am I right Y/n?" I turn towards Sophie and start with a serious tone "Listen Sophie, it was him who asked me out and asked me to be his girlfriend I didn't even try to get him, I knew that you liked him  and you were going to ask him out but he asked me I even told him that Sophie loves you but then he was like 'but I love you' I tried to say no but he begged me"

Sophie cuts me off and says "You did say Yes right!? That's it! That's the answer to all my questions" I try to say something but I stop myself by the time Shawn and Tyler come with the drinks and also Shawn brings me a New York cheesecake because I love it. They both sat  down and I gave the money for my drink and cheesecake to Shawn. Sophie turns towards me and starts while sipping her drink "You guys split bills?" I let out a sigh and say "Yeah that's our rule" she says while wiping out the excessive milk from her lips "Y/n you've always been that planned one who knows how to do each and everything"

Shawn starts "Yeahh like she needs each and everything to be perfect" while I dig into my cheesecake and sipping on my coffee. I clear my throat and start "So Sophie how did you and Tyler meet?" She starts "Oh we met at a bar 10 months ago in LA" I shake my head "Nice" Shawn says out of excitement to cut the tension.

"So Sophie how's New York and how's the case we've been fighting against each other?"She says "It's pretty complicated, New York is love and the case yeah it's been hard for me as it's my first case in New York and I'm fighting it against the greatest lawyer ever" I give her a pat on her back "Don't worry you'll get through it, even for us we are still waiting for the autopsy reports'' she says while getting a brain freeze "Ahh yes the autopsy reports it's been a mess" we all nod and sip on our coffees. We all head out and start walking into a nice warm evening.


I hope y'all liked it I will surely post the next part soon!
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