Tw: Mature content!!

Y/n's POV:-
I get up the next morning and I don't find Shawn next to me. I heard the shower was running so I assumed he might be taking shower. I get from my bed and walk to our broken balcony to see all the glass pieces shattered on the floor with some amount of Shawn's blood. I sigh and walk to the kitchen to bring the broom. I cleaned all the glass pieces from the floor and cleaned the blood from a mop. I went back to the kitchen, drank some green tea and came back to our room. I was still waiting for Shawn to come out of the shower, he always takes a lot of time in the shower so I never let him go first! I sit on the side of the bed waiting for Shawn.

I hear Shawn humming his favourite song. He always wanted to make music his Career but he was more interested in law.

I was scrolling to my phone and I heard Shawn calling me through the bathroom. "Darling?" I look up to the door and answer him "Yes honey?" He answers back "Could you please pass me the towel?" I hummed in order of agreement and removed the towel from our closet and knocked on the bathroom door. "Baby, your towel!" I was giving him the towel until he pulled my hand and took me inside the shower I was amazed by his move. He pulled me in and I could see him already in a towel! I exclaimed "Shawn, if you already had the towel, why did you ask me to bring another one?" He pulled me by my waist closer to him so I ought to dash on his chest. He moved my hair from my face as I looked at him. He started "Cuz you'll need one now" I smiled to myself at that thought.

He grabs my face and gives me a rough kiss while I moan into it he smiles into the kiss. We both got into the shower things started to get heated up until I stopped him "Baby we have to go to work!" While he was still kissing my neck he groaned and said "Let's not" I exclaimed while running my hands through his hair "Honey we have to" he came back and took an audible sigh while saying "Okay let's get our work done" he was not happy but then I cupped his face and said "We'll get back to this after work, I'm always gonna be here I ain't leaving you!" He smiled and picked me up to his waist and I kissed him.

We both got ready for our day ahead. We had breakfast and we were ready to move. As I sat in the car I got a call from officer Jacob I picked it up in excitement "Yes officer Jacob?" He starts with a sign of happiness in his speech "Ms. Y/n we've got the DNA results can you please come to the NYPD?" I smile and start confidently "Of Course Shawn and I will be there!" I tell Shawn all of this and we drive to the NYPD. As we both parked the car and we walked in the NYPD. We reached at the desk of Officer Jacob and I started "Yes Officer, what you got?" He pulls out the file and gives it to us. I open the file and see that the blood sample was of Ms. Rose! I exclaimed "Haha yes" while Shawn and I exchanged high fives, officer Jacob started "Well Miss Y/n you have got a lead!" I wheeze and hug Shawn while he says "Congratulations baby" I can see from the corner of my eye that Officer Jacob was uncomfortable. I break the hug and get up from the seat. I shake hands with officer Jacob "Thank you so much detective Jacob! This means a lot!" He smiles back "My pleasure! I'll let you know about the case ahead!" I nod in agreement while Shawn and Detective Jacob exchange congratulations.

Shawn and I head back to our car. He starts the car while I start "Shawn we have to go to Sophie's house for dinner today!"

Shawn starts "Oh yes I remember!" "So when should we leave from here?" I ask him, he says while putting one gear ahead "Umm we'll leave our office by 7 and we'll go to her place around 8" I nod my head in agreement, then the whole ride we hummed songs. Then I walk to my office and sit on my chair I open my files And look through the la controversial case I was going through it until I find something very important that the person was poisoned by Apple seeds I take an audible sigh and the sides of my mouth lift up because I found a subtle lead the poison is called as

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