Chapter 11 - Sakuatsuiwaoi

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Requested by bunbunbooty, I hope you enjoy!

I couldn't find any sakuatsuiwaoi fanart so have some cute sakuatsu instead :D

Nothing much just some fluff. All four boys arrive home from work exhausted and stressed, Iwaizumi and Sakusa are too caught up in their own fatigue that they don't realize that Oikawa and Atsumu are slipping until their deep in their little spaces... Also incase you were wondering, for the sake of this chapter, Oikawa has just come back from Brazil to visit his boyfriends (in the Manga, his job is playing setter in a Brazillian beach volleyball team).


Tooru and Hajime were sitting on the couch, snuggling when they heard a car pull into the driveway. Their boyfriends were home.

Mustering up what little energy the boys had left, the dragged themselves over to the door to greet their newly arrived lovers.

"Hey" Hajime said to both Kiyoomi and Atsumu. "Hey" Kiyoomi replied, removing his mask to give kisses to both Tooru and Hajime.

Both boys had come in the door, they making their way up to the shower. Together, washing each other down.

Once everyone had cleaned off and changed, they made their way to the kitchen to decide who would be cooking tonight.

Of course Kiyoomi got choose to our it for his great cooking knowledge but Tooru was also tied down to the job as well. The other two sat at the stools opposite the kitchen.

"So how was practice?" Hajime asked Atsumu and Kiyoomi, referring to their afternoon practice with the MSBY black jackals team. "Hard" Atsumu replied, exaggerating his words whilst slumping forwards onto the counter. "It wasn't that bad, just a little rough" Kiyoomi corrected.

Hajime gave his blonde lover a quick, concerned side glance he doesn't normally complain this much about practice... maybe it was really rough? Iwaizumi thought to himself. He eventually shook off the thoughts, blaming it on his own fatigue.

The meal was almost ready, all of their mouths salivating at the thought of food to satisfy their exhaustion. That was until everyone's head shot up after hearing the sound of a pan clattering to the floor.

They all saw what appeared to be Tooru on the floor, he had fallen over dropping the saucepan, spilling it's contents over himself. "I'm so sorry! I must've tripped" he quickly apologized, grabbing a sponge to begin cleaning it up immediately. "Thats ok, here let us help" Kiyyomi responded. We all joined in to help.

Once the task of cleaning up the mess, Tooru was sent to take a shower. Once he was done, the four boys decided up an alternative for dinner. "We could just have takeaway or something" Hajime suggested. "Sure" Kiyoomi replied "Hey Tooru, do you mind making the order?" Kiyoomi turned his attention to the poor flustered boy. "Sure" Tooru replied, somewhat with a hint of fear in his voice. Hajime shoot a concerned look at Kiyoomi, who shared the same expression.

However Tooru was given the phone and went in another room to make the order.

Kiyoo mi and Hajime were about to speak to each other about the previous expression that had been on their boyfriends face when they heard crying coming from the other room. It sent shivers down both their spines to hear their baby's cries.

All three males immediately ran into the room to find Tooru on the floor shaking and sobbing historically. Kiyoomi and I wait um I'm caregiver instincts immediately kicked in. They rushed to their baby's side trying to comfort him as best as possible whilst Atsumu apologized to the person on the line.

"I-i sowy papa and dada, I got scawed and I-i... coul'nt do it" Tooru said between sobs, quite clearly in his head space. "That's ok baby boy, it wasn't your fault" Hajime responded, gently rubbing his back. Kiyoomi did the same, offering the poor boy his best words of comfort.

However cute the affections towards the little were, they sparked a hint of jealously in Atsumu from his little side. He didn't let it show though, he wanted to spend time with his boyfriends and look after the little Tooru.

Hajime soon dailed up a different takeaway place and ordered them all a meal to eat.

They all settled down to watch a movie, Tooru situated in between Kiyoomi and Hajime with Atsumu besides Kiyoomi. Tooru had gotten to choose the movie, he had chosen E.T (A/N for obvious reasons, I mean come on, it has an alien in it!!). The fact that it was a children's movie was not helping Atsumu's problem whatsoever. He began to progressively feel even wprse, inching ever so slightly to his head space with every minute that passed by.

The delivery had soon arrived, although Tooru had fallen asleep. Atsumu was sent to go fetch the food for Tooru was dropped over the top of Kiyoomi and Hajime.

Atsumu dragged himself of the couch, grabbing one of his boyfriend's wallets for he knew he probably wouldn't be able to find his own.

Atsumu opened the front door and was greeted by a male who had the food in one hand. The delivery guy gave a bright smile "I believe this is yours" he said. Atsumu returned the smile half heartedly. "Yeah, thanks" he said, bringing out the money.

After Atsumu had finished ppaying, he brought the food to his still conscious boyfriends,  putting Tooru in the fridge for when he work up later.

Kiyoomi and Hajime mouthed a greatful 'thanks' to Atsumu who nodded in acknowledgment. They all began their meal.

Atsumu felt dangerously close to slipping into his headspace, Hajime lovingly looking at little Tooru whilst running his fingers through the tips of his hair was not helping. Nobody seemed to notice the poor boy's predicament though for nobody came to rub his head or whisper 'I love you' into his ear.

Without warning, Atsumu felt himself started to loose dominance over his head space, he rapidly aged down and tears began rolling down his cheeks. This Kiyoomi noticed. Atsumu began to sob historically.lz trying his best to keep quite for the sleeping little, not doing a very good job.

Kiyoomi gently slid his way put from under Tooru, making sure not to wake the boy.

He picked up Atsumu who immediately buried his head int I his caregiver's shoulder, muffling his cries.

Kiyoomi carried Atsumu up the stairs and into the bedroom where he sat up in the bed, letting the clearly little boy cry out his feelings.

Once Atsumu's cries became hiccups, Kiyoomi spoke to him, using a soft and concerned tone. "Why didn't you tell me you were upset little one?" He asked. Atsumu shrugged, burying his head into Kiyoomi's neck. "C'mon l, there must have been a reason?" Kiyoomi pressed for an answer.

Atsumu responded, still having his head buried in to Kiyoomi's neck "I wan send time wid chu an Iwa an Tooru" Atsumu explained to the best of his ability considering his current state. "Aw, that's ok, you could've just told us, we would still spend time with you little one" Kiyoomi responded.

"I sowy" Atsumu said, tears beginning to brim in his eyes again "oh no, no, no baby boy, it wasn't your fault ok? That wasn't your fault, just tell me or Iwa next time ok?" Kiyoomi said, hugging the little close as Atsumu let out another sob.

Kiyoomi placed a kiss on the little fore head. "I'll always be here for you little one" he said, smiling "you can tell me anything, I'll never leave or hate you"

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