Chapter 1 - Daisuga

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Sugawara has  had a really stressful day with exams and that but he's also trying to help everybody else at the same time. Near the end of the day he feels himself starting to slip, Daichi knows about him being a little and can tell that something is bothering him he decides to end practice early and take Suga home so he can help him regress.


"So x therefore must equal?" I said, trying to keep the exhausted tone from my voice "wait... what about y?" Nishinoya said. It took all of my will power not to run my hands through my hair in frustration

"Here, let's start over" I turned to a fresh page and rewrote the question. "Ok so write what you know so far" I said, Noya began to scrawl out the formula in barely legible handwriting.

"Well we know that y equals 6.6mm so now we have to work out the value of x, to do that we must find the perimeter" I said, pointing to the triangle "do you remember the formula?" I asked, hopeful. "Barely" Nishinoya replied "right, I'll show you" I said before writing down the formula.

"Ok, so we have the value of y-" I started explaining but was cut off. "hey Suga! Class starts in 2 minutes, we've got the exam for English" Daichi said, walking toward where Noya and I sat in the shade of a tree. "Oh! Right, thanks Daichi, I completely forgot" I replied, quickly packing up my stuff.

"Sorry Noya, we have a really strict teacher, if we're late we get no marks, try and work on it yourself and I'll check it before practice" I told Nishinoya, standing up and grabbing my stuff. "Right, thanks Sugawara-san!" Noya said, giving a bright and grateful smile.

~time skip~

Shoot, only 7 minutes left I speed up my writing, trying my best to conclude my essay.

Done! And with a few minutes left for grammar check! I ran my eyes down the page, only half paying attention to what was written on it. I could feel the nagging sensation of a headache making it's presence known I know that feeling... no not now! I've still got practice!  Please just last a while longer...

As I progressed through the text I could feel my headache getting worse and worse, if I didn't do something about it soon I would probably end up slipping during practice. No I need to last longer! Then I can go home and I can get changed into my onesie and snuggle up to my soft toys with a pacifier... no! Don't think about that yet!

I struggled to maintain control over my mental state as I walked to the gym with Daichi and Asahi. I was trying my best to hide the fact that I was on the verge of little space, it was painfully obvious that something was wrong but neither Daichi or Asahi seemed to notice.

I changed into my uniform, slowly, careful not to agitate my already overwhelmed head.

"Left!" I heard Asahi call. I set the ball to the left, it was a bit off but it'll do. My mind was all fuzzy, I felt even closer to littlespace.

Daichi called for a break, I was so muddled in my thoughts that I only heard when Daichi called my name the second time "-Suga, are you ok? You seem off" he asked, sounding concerned "yeah, m'fine" trying my best not to slur my words, Daichi seemed to notice this. He gave me a quizzical look before seating himself on the bench beside me "do you need to... regress?" He lowered his voice for the last word.

I was grateful that the rest of the team were doing their own things so that they didn't hear our conversation. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded hesitantly "are you able to last until practice is over?" He asked in a hushed tone.

Can I? Could I really last that long? There's only 30 minutes or so left, but I've also got to walk home, will I make it?

I shrugged my shoulders guiltily, hating the fact that I was distracting Daichi from practice. He looked at me with concern "I might call it off, just to be safe" he said giving me a small smile "besides there's only half an hour left, what's it gonna hurt, everyone's tired anyways"

~time skip~

I willed myself to keep walking, even though every step hurt my body even more. The prospect that I still had five minutes to walk was daunting, I felt like regressing right here and now, not a care in the world but that's not true... If I regress right now, Daichi will have to look after me even more than he should... no I can't let that happen. Despite that thought, I felt myself becoming mentally younger.

I suddenly grabbed onto Daichi's arm, gripping on for dear life. I could feel tears brimming my eyes all I wanted right now was a cuddle.

I stopped walking, I couldn't anymore. I sunk to my knees, careful not to hurt myself on the pavement.

Daichi immediately knelt beside me, taking note of my mental age. "Aww baby boy, are you tired?" I nodded my head, making grabby hands for Daichi. He smiled and picked me up, resting me on his hip.

I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, my favorite spot whenever I felt sad and overwhelmed. "Can you tell me how old you are?" Daichi asked, I tapped his shoulder three times in response. "Aww such a little boy, let's get you home" he started walking once more towards the house.

~time skip~

"Let's go upstairs and get you changed" Daichi said. I could feel fatigue taking over me so I just nodded in agreement, letting my head rest on Daichi's shoulder as he carried me up the stairs and into the room.

"Bunny onesie or fox?" Daichi asked, holding out two onsies. I didn't really know what I wanted so I shrugged, making decisions is too hard. "Ok, I'll put you in the bunny onesie because it makes you look adorable" he said "although your always adorable little boy" he added before kissing the top of my head, making me giggle a little bit.

"There" Daichi said, zipping up the onesie and slipping a pacifier in my mouth "feel better?" He asked "mm" I said, rubbing my eyes. "Ok why don't I go make some warm milk then we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie together, how does that sound?" I just nodded my head weakly in response.

Daichi put me on the couch, about to walk to the kitchen to make me some milk but I latched onto his arm, not wanting him to leave. "What's wrong? Do you want to cuddle now?" He asked, I nodded my head, completely disregarding the thought of milk.

Daichi sat on the couch beside me, I immediately rested my head on his chest, cuddling my stuffie close to my body. I felt Daichi's hands gently run their way through my hair, I felt sleep start to take over but I didn't repel it, I just let it consume me, knowing I was safe in Daichi's arms.

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