Chapter 27 - Bokuaka

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Requested by MadiTheWeeb I hope you enjoy!

It's time for another training camp scenario! Bokuto is upset after Fukuradani lost a practice match, he desperately needs help to regress but has gone emo mode and is pushing his caregiver, Akaashi, away. Akaashi just leaves him be, thinking it best to just give him space. After a while, Akaashi begins playing with the now regressed Kenma, little to Kurro,Bokuto can't stand this and goes over to Akaashi, throwing a tantrum and being bratty. Akaashi then calms his own little down by playing with him and giving Bokuto his comfort items.

Btw since I don't really ship Kurotsuki all too much and Kuroken is easier to write, we're just gonna say Kenma is hanging out with Bokuto, Kuroo and Akaashi :3

Ayo I'm sorry if that last chapter wasn't as good as the others (in my opinion it wasn't) I'll try and make it up to you with this one :3


My breathing was laboured, becoming it became harder and harder to do as the realization of what had happened sank in. A quick look at the score board confirmed it. We have lost.

I shook it off, it's only a practice match I told myself we've got many more to come after this.

I glanced at Bokuto, his breathing was also deep and heavy. But there was another aspect to him, the fact that his shoulders sagged and the way his head was hung as a pained expression crossed his face. He's taking it to heart isn't he?

Bokuto had been the last to spike the ball. He had been shut down by the other team's three man block, one that had been virtually impossible to break through given that the blockers were at their maximum reach the exact moment Bokuto had gone to spike the ball. The block had also been fairly strong so unless Bokuto had suddenly gotten stronger, there was no way he could have cleared that one.

Knowing Bokuto though, he's probably not thinking that through right now, instead he's most likely blaming himself for costing the team that last point.

We began to line up so that we could thank the other team for the game. I didn't get the chance to slip in a word of comfort to Bokuto before so and I knew it probably wasn't going to do much, seen as he is already falling into his emo state.

We bowed and began filing out of the gym to do our penalty laps. I caught up to Bokuto, although, his mood was sombre and it didn't seem as if he were in any state to have a decent conversation that didn't have at least one remark to do with his self assessment on the way he had played in the last practice match. He didn't seem as if he were in any state to have a conversation period.

I kept a steady pace alongside Bokuto, panting slightly as the penalty lap began to take its toll upon me. Bokuto seemed unphased, in fact barely any emotions came across his face. I could tell he was now in his emo state. When he's in this state, I have found it best just to leave him be, he can usually bring himself out of it on his own, very rarely does he need help. Although when he does, I always do my best.

Once we had completed the penalty lap, upon the horizon, the sun was just starting to set. Around about now, everyone will be finishing up with their practice matches and celebrating their win, or running out their penalties if they had had the misfortune to lose like us.

As per usual, both Bokuto and I went to the third gym to meet Kuroo and Kenma, there, we would most likely practice with each other.

Both Kuroo and Kenma were waiting inside. Upon initial site of them, they seemed like they were just sitting upon the floor with each other, but as we approached closer, it became clear that Kenma was currently in little space.

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