This is not a story like my first one. So it doesn't literally have a end. The whole point of this book is for fun. So asks the crew anything, dare them, etc. You know to make it interesting. My ocs are in this too cuz I like them 😅. Anyway let me...
Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Mickey's pov: •scracthing his ear• Ugh it would be cute I guess, if they didn't do it for like 24/7h like give each other a break for fuck sake. •sips some whiskey and looks at his cup• But again it is pretty cute.
Zara's pov: •rolls his eyes after hearing what Mickey said• Are you jealous no one does 24/7h with you? Which is not that surprinsing •he laughed as he dodged the cup of Whiskey, Mickey threw• Oop the mouse got angry, so scary! •he chuckles and stops seeing how annoyed Mickey was. Plus he was about to throw another cups and maybe even mugs• Okaaaay I'm sorry.
Mickey's pov: •Facepalms himself• Took a while to apologise mother fucker.
Chris' pov: •walked over to Mickey• C'mon Mickey you know he just likes to annoy people you'll find someone soon, like Oswald found Felix.
Oswald's pov: •heard that• Yeah bro you are still young you'll find that someone •petting Felix as his tail was wagging, looking at his lover with a bit of smirk•
Mickey's pov: •sighs• Ok ok I got the point guys •rolled his eyes, but he was actually thankful for the support, execpt of course Zara•