This is not a story like my first one. So it doesn't literally have a end. The whole point of this book is for fun. So asks the crew anything, dare them, etc. You know to make it interesting. My ocs are in this too cuz I like them 😅. Anyway let me...
Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Felix: •he sighed and touched his claw mark• Sadly no. We had other violent costumers. There's was one time a guy who brought a whip with him. He was hiding it and when he took Chris with him, he whipped him. I know, cuz I heard Chris' screams and begging him to stop. That's why he's scared to give services. He needs some time after that shit. Also Bendy had gone through something bad as well. A lady punched him on the ground hard. She was mad he only gives services to male pretty much. I understood her anger, but there was no need to punch Bendy. Stupid bitch. On the other hand all of them were taken care of by Enzo, Ozzy and Mickey so we are ok for now. Sometimes there and there are some angry costumers, but not least I hope they aren't. Both Chris and Bendy: •hugged Felix, as he hugged them back all of them were having thier ears and tail down. Oswald, Cuphead and Veres came to help thier lovers, in Oswald's and Cuphead's case, and as friends, in Veres' case. Some hugs and pets and all of them 3 calmed down for now•
Veres: •takes off her glasses, cleans them and then looks again at the reguest• Oh shit my eyes were right. Flirt huh? Hmmm the fuck do I flirt with her? •was in her dressing room• Do I like go to her and be like "Hey baby, I can take care of you better than boys" or something like "I know how to use a toy, better then a boy using his cock". Like what do I say? Hmmm maybe I can go like "You know dresses fits you. Don't worry I only look under them sometimes" •faceplamed herself• Yeah Veres say that to her and you'll get slapped by her with a Vase. Hmmm no I think I should be formal like "Hey Brinda! I enjoyed your dance. You are reaching my level baby. That butt is helping it a lot" •literally hit her face with the table• I night be good at almost everything, but flirting hell to the nah. Why not just say "Hey Brinda! I love you!"...meh sounds desparte. •Brinda heard all of that and blushed. She smiled and walked away•
(That works too right? 😅)
Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
(Oh a classic one, well after the pets and hugs Oswald took Felix to thier room)
Oswald: Hey kitty..feeling better? •was messaging his back gently, as Felix was purring• Felix: Yes my beautiful bunny boy ♥️, but I wanna be relaxed in more ways~. •his blush started to appear• Oswald: •he got what Felix meant fast and rubbed his crotch gently• My pleasure kitty ♥️. •Felix was enjoying himself so much right now• Felix: Mmm~ I love you bunny boy ♥️. •kissed Oswald, as Oswald kissed back, continuing to rub and message his lover gently•
(I decided to take it lightly this time, cuz I found it cute I don't know why 💙 see ya in the next ask ✨)