Ask #5

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Felix's stun:•looked at his bobon• Well yes he is kinda overprotective over me, even tho he tho he knows this is our job, but to be honest I love that about him

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Felix's stun:
•looked at his bobonWell yes he is kinda overprotective over me, even tho he tho he knows this is our job, but to be honest I love that about him. It scares me and it flatters me~ •he kissed the bunny boy, while the bunny boy kissed back and rubbed his butt• And I'll never change that about him ♥️.

Boris' pov:
rubbed his head• Speak in another language? I mean I took some romanian lessons from Veres so I guess I can try my best to speak in romanian. (Don't worry I'll translate it for you xd) •ahem• Româna mea nu este chiar așa de bună, cel puțin nu încă așa că sper că nu o să fac nicio greșeală în vorbele mele. Veres applauded him• (By the way Boris said: My romanian is not that great, at least not yet, so I hope I'm not making any mistakes in my sentences.)

Mickey's pov:•rolled his eyes and sighed• I would if her annoying "sister" wouldn't stop any of my movement I do on her

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Mickey's pov:
•rolled his eyes and sighed• I would if her annoying "sister" wouldn't stop any of my movement I do on her. She's just too overprotective. My bro is overpriced too, but not at an annoying level, more likely a cool level. •fisted bumb Oswald• But to answer the question properly, yes I do have some feelings for her. Borrese's tail wagged•

(You guys can tell I love this so ask more x3)

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