This is not a story like my first one. So it doesn't literally have a end. The whole point of this book is for fun. So asks the crew anything, dare them, etc. You know to make it interesting. My ocs are in this too cuz I like them 😅. Anyway let me...
Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Brinda's pov: •was doing Bendy's make up• Nah I never had time for that. I thought of doing it, but to be honest I don't need it. I can kick the jerks asses without any martial art training.
Borrese's pov: •was giving people thier order• No I didn't. I thought too of doing it, but didn't have much time...actually if I think about it, if I learn some martial arts I'll sure impress Mickey! •Oswald was about to say "that's not gonna be enough-", but Borrese interrupted him• I now know how to win his heart yes! Thanks Gons! •runs away to search for a good martial art school• Oswald: •facepalm• Yeah thank you very much. •said it with a very sarcastic thone•
Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
~After getting everyone Bendy wanted to show everyone his fav show Steven Universe. He started the TV at the exact hour when the show started~
Felix: This is actually a pretty cute show I'm not gonna lie. •smiled watching• Oswald and Mickey: Can we go now? •Brinda and Felix glared at them as they looked down• Sorry Bendy. Veres: Finnaly a lesbian show for me to enjoy! Sadly no hot scenes. Zara: Yeah what a shame. •said it pretty sarcastic, as Veres was ready to punch him, but Bendy stopped her• Cuphead: Awww bab-...Bendy! This is such a cute show! •said it nervously as Brinda was watching all of his movements. Bendy pouted• Mugman: I kinda like it to be honest. Even tho I'm a bit busy sorry Bendy •Bendy smiled as Mugman got up and walked back to his office• Enzo: This is interesting. Completely full knowledge that the intelligence of an child needs it. •Bendy agreed, even tho he wasn't fully sure what Enzo said• Chris: We..are..the..crystal gems! Such a cute intro! 💙 •Bendy laughed and enjoyed the show with Chris• Borrese: Hmmm I like Connie she seems pretty independent. •Brinda agreed with her as she was just watching•
(They watched 3 episodes and went back to thier work. Give me more pls 😸)