This is not a story like my first one. So it doesn't literally have a end. The whole point of this book is for fun. So asks the crew anything, dare them, etc. You know to make it interesting. My ocs are in this too cuz I like them 😅. Anyway let me...
Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Oswald's: No we definitely not go on 12 dates so far. Not at all. Felix: •giggles at Oswald's sarcasm• Ignore my bunny boy please, but to answer the question properly yes we went on quite the dates so far and I loved aaaaaall of them ❤️. Oswald: •kissed his cheek• Heh.
Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Mugman's pov: •looked at the ask nervous• Oh a s-secret of mine? Well ummm that's an interesting think to dare. Well ummmm let's see a secret. •intense thinking• Oh! I do have a little secret. I usually like to play clarinet when I am all alone, cuz well I'm not that good and I don't wanna be judge haha. •nervous laugh•
Chirs: Oh c'mon Mr. Mugman pls sing a song for us. We will never ever judge it right guys? •everyone nodded, execpt Zara and Mickey who just left the room to see some costumers• Ignore those two pls.
•he gulped, but took a deep breath in and took put his clarinet and started singing pretty decent. Everyone was enjoying it•
Author's pov: It was night and Felix decided to stay at the club a bit more. Oswald was in thier house bored as well and looked around. He remembered about the Felix love for cuddles and thought of an interesting idea of how to make those cuddles cloooser. After some time Felix came back home pretty tired.
Felix: •yawned• Sorry babe if I stayed for too much, but I wanted a bit more money today. Oswald: •nodded and took him to bedroom and both layed down on the bed and both gave each other a good night kiss. Oswald was hugging Felix from behind and took down his stripper outfit a bit, smirking• Felix: •started to blush• B-Babe? //// Oswald: •pushed all of his hard member in Felix making him moan• Have a nice sleep kitten~. Felix: T-thanks babe~ ///•both fell asleep with Oswald deep inside Felix•