She's gone to far

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I was in the garden picking up herbs and vegetables. The days have been peaceful but I miss my children dearly. They have been coming to visit which was nice and all but it wasn't the same. It was a little last past evening and the sun was going down. The sun made the sky look like blood. I think it was pretty but I couldn't get the bad feeling from my chest. I heard Wanda scream and I immediately ran back to the hut but what I saw broke my heart.

Zero was standing over Leroy body as she held a dying Wanda by her throat. A sword was on Leroys chest and Wanda's throat was slit open.

"Did really think you could escape from me human. You shouldn't have got them involved." She said dropping her body like it was nothing but trash. She walked past me but I was in to much shock to stop her.

"Tell Sesshomaru I'm coming for him" she said taking off into the skies. I slowly walked to their dead bodies.

"No.... no please no. Come back please....Wake up!" I cried cradling Wanda head in my lap.

"Please wake up!! Don't leave me!!" I cried as my tears fell on their faces. I felt the urge to scream and I did. I felt a burst of energy leave my body but I paid it no mind.

Sesshomaru POV
Inuyasha and I were walking towards the children to tell them what we learned about Kirnamaru. I suddenly felt a mass of energy go through me.

"Did you fell that? It felt like....sadness." Inuyasha said holding his ears. I felt it and I also heard something. It sounded like Rin screaming. I took off in the direction the energy came from with Inuyasha and the children following behind. When we reached the village I smelt blood and my chest immediately tightened. I didn't smell rins blood but I did smell the humans who were taking care of her. We landed out side the hut she was staying in and the sight made my stomach turn. Rin was cradling the dead humans close to her while she cried. Inuyasha kept the children outside as I slowly walked to Rin.

"Rin. What has happened" I asked kneeling next to her.

"She killed them because I was here" she said. I knew who she was talking about and I was furious. I reached for her hand and this time she let me take it. I gently pulled her to her feet watching the dead humans heads so they wouldn't hit the ground hard. I noticed rins kimono was covered in blood from her hips to her thighs. Her hands were also covered in blood. I walked her slowly outside where everyone was waiting. Setsuna immediately ran to her but I gave her a look which she caught onto very quickly. I led her to Inuyasha who took her into his care.

"Burn it down" I said to the towa. She looked at me hesitant but did what I asked. She pulled out a match and threw it into the hut which easily caught on fire. We watched it burn until there was nothing there. We then all retreated back home towards our village and Rin was silent the whole way there. When we got there Kagome took Rin to the spring to get cleaned up and I just watched her. The girls went to find moroha to discuss what we found out earlier. Kagome came back from the spring with Rin's bloody clothes and with a sad expression.

"Go talk to her" she said to me and continued on her walk. I made my way down towards the spring where I saw Rin sitting in the water looking at the stars and the moon which was shaped like the mark on my forehead. I sat on the edge of the spring and watched her swim to me leaning her head against my leg.

"The crescent moon always reminded me of you lord Sesshomaru" she said catching my attention.

"She won't stop.... what did we ever do to her" she asked as a single tear fell down her face.

".... I hate them lord Sesshomaru" she said as even more tears fell but she wasn't crying she just let them fall. I pulled her out the water and held her close.

"Tomorrow is when they will be defeated.... I promise" I said. She looked at me in my eyes and leaned towards my lips and kissed them. Zero has gone to far and Kirnamaru protecting her isn't making it better. This ends now.

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