Attack on the sky palace

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I woke up to a loud explosion coming from outside. I sat up in my bed with a gasp. Towa and Setsuna both sat up with me and lord Sesshomaru was already gone. We all ran from the bed and ran into Rion who was heading to see the cause of the explosion. When we reached outside we saw Kirnamaru and Zero attacking the barrier around the Lord Sesshomaru mother's palace slowly breaking it.

"What's happening" Rion said standing behind me scared.

"Girls go get your weapons" I said to my daughters who did what I asked. Lord Sesshomaru landed beside with Inuyasha, moroha and Kagome behind him.

"This guy just doesn't know when to quit does he"Inuyasha said drawing his sword. The girls came out just as the barrier broke.

"What are you doing here Kirnamaru" Sesshomaru's mother said coming out of the palace. She stood next to me slightly standing in-front of me guarding me.

"A better question would be why are you getting involved in a situation that you refused to get involved before your ladyship" he asked as the barrier broke and he and zero landed on the runway.

"Mmm I have my reasons, now answer me why are you here" she said getting annoyed.

"Mm well I am running out time for my own agenda and you happen to be standing in the way of me completing it" he said drawing his sword.

"Father please we don't have to fight" Rion pleaded.

"Unfortunately my dear child it's inevitable if they continue to stand in my way" he said in a surprisingly soft voice.

Inuyasha send a wind scar attack towards him but he blocked it with ease. Sesshomaru mother used her poison claws like a whip and tried to grab Kirnamaru but he dodged it. Zero is just floating behind him looking very uncomfortable and a little sad.  I slowly backed away from the  safety behind Sesshomaru mother and tried to make my way to lord Sesshomaru. Rion grabbed my hand shaking her head telling me not to move. I looked back up to the sky to see my husband and Kirnamaru fighting. When their blades collided it send a shock wave towards the castle which sent Rion and I flying backwards.

I hit my head on wall. My ears were ringing and my sight was blurry. I looked up to see a blurry zero figure standing in front of me but I didn't sense any hostility coming from her. She reached down to grab my hand but because she was nothing more then a spirit her hand passed through mine.

"Listen Rin my brother has lost all sense of reason. He needs to be put down soon and I truly believe that the half demon princesses will be able to stop him" she said softly.

"I just wanna be free and be joined together once again with my lord in the after life" she said shedding a tear that I felt land in my cheek. I reached for his hand and I actually felt it. My hand glowed white and so did she. Her spirit slowly started to disappear and I saw her smile. When she vanished I saw Rion crying because at the end of the day that was her aunt.

"WHAT DID YOU DO MY SISTER" Kirnamaru yelled. He pointed his sword to the sky and a giant purple fire ball appeared.

"YOU. SHALL. PAY" he screamed throwing the ball towards me. I gasped and braced for a impact but Sesshomaru jumped in the way and took the blast for me. My eyes went wide as he reflected in my eyes.

"What?" Kirnamaru shouted as Lord Sesshomaru seemed to have endured the attack.

"Ha. The big attack you haven't used in 500 years. I've endured it Kirnamaru" he said faintly,smiling slightly. As he started falling to the ground I got from knees and ran to him as he started heading towards the ground below the castle.

"Oh no Lord Sesshomaru" I shouted as he fell out of my reach.

"How could he withstand my attack!" Kirnamaru shouted annoyed. He flew away in ignoring what he just did to Sesshomaru. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and jumped down to find his brother and Sesshomaru mother turned into her true form and the rest of us climbed on her back and she followed Inuyasha down to the ground.

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