Come back to me

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I watched the butterfly melt away as my family surrounding it. Towa and setsuna were standing behind me as moroha stood helplessly next to me. Soon enough Kagome,Mr miroku, lady Sango and the demon slayers joined us on the palace.

"What's happening" Kagome asked running to Moroha. Hisui ran to setsuna and took her hand.

"The grim butterfly has taken a hold on their minds. It's controlling them" I said standing on shaky legs.

"How do we save them" miroku asked. I looked at Lord Sesshomaru and sighed.

"Well first things first we need to stop the butterfly's movement then we can figure out the next step" Kagome said standing with moroha. Kagome and miroku worked together to create a barrier around the butterfly while the others tried attacking it but we couldn't risk hurting our family who were shields around it blocking all our attacks.

"Rin moroha told me that you had a vision earlier that you said could help break them free and defeat the butterfly. What do we do?" Sango asked floating next to me on hachi.

"Get me closer to the butterfly" I said. She nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me on hachi and he flew us closer to the butterfly. As everyone grew near the butterfly started to turn red in rage and it caused lord Sesshomaru and Inuyasha to attack. Hachi barley dodged a wind scar attack from Inuyasha.

"Okay this is as close as we are getting" he said nervously.

"Can you move to west Lord Sesshomaru is" I asked. He grunted and flew closer to Sesshomaru which caused him to attack us but he missed barely.

"Okay yea no I'm not taking another hit like that so whatever your gonna do, do it fast" he said. I stood from hachi back and closed my eyes. I replayed all the memories I had of Lord Sesshomaru and everything who was under mind control and soon enough my eyes were opened and shining white.

Towa POV
A blinding light emerged from where mother was. The light took the form of wings that wrapped themselves around everyone and everything including the butterfly. Inside the wings it was so warm.

"Look at that. There's something on the wings" setsuna said pointing. I looked and low and behold there were mothers memories of not just father but everyone even Kirnamaru. I looked at mother who was glowing and floating across from father who was still under the butterfly's mind control. She reached out her hands to him and little balls of light flew from them and headed start towards father. They flew right into his eyes as well as uncle Inuyasha, grandmother and Kirnamaru.

"Lord Sesshomaru, come back to me. I'm right here reaching for you. Even if your millions of miles away these memories will never disappear. Just please come back to me" mother said with a tear sliding down her cheek. Their eyes started shifting from red to white but the rage of the butterfly grew larger and it flapped its wings blowing us all back down to the palace runway and dispersing mothers wings that surrounded us.

"Whatever lady  Rin just did made a connection with them" Hisui said looking at the barrier.

"Look at the sky it's turning pitch black and there's no stars" moroha said and she was right the whole sky turned black and it was impossible to see anything. I closed my eyes and held my hands to my chest when I suddenly felt something warm next to me and I had a good feeling of where it was coming from.

Setsuna POV
A bright white ball was forming from mothers chest and it was lighting our surroundings. She started floating back up towards the butterfly and the light was starting to fade me she cuffed her hands around it adding power to it.

"She needs our help"I said taking hisui hand and dragging him towards everyone else.

"What exactly is she doing" hisui asked.

"It seems she's using to past reader powers to counter the butterfly's mind control" monk Miroku said.

"Okay great how do we do that" Moroha asked.

"I think it got it. The wings that mother produced earlier had memories in it. Maybe we need to think of all the memories we have and add it to mothers light to counteract the butterfly's mind control" I said. Everyone nodded and got in a circle and closed our eyes. We all thought of different memories good or bad and soon enough we all had little balls of light from our chest appearing.

I knew fighting the mind control on my own was going to be a challenge but the vision should me beating it. Suddenly I saw other little balls of light going into mine giving it more power. I looked down and saw my friends and family helping me. I smiled at them with tears falling from my eyes. I added their memories to mine and grew my white wings back which now showed everyone's memories.

"Please! Come back to me.... To us" I said as my wings wrapped around the grim butterfly and consumed all the energy from it. The sky turned into a beautiful blue color with white clouds. Their eyes turned back from red to white then to their normal eye color meaning their back to normal which means I did it. I sighed and closed my eyes.

Sesshomaru POV
My head was pounding as the grim butterfly was defeated. I looked around and and saw Inuyasha fall onto hachi on his head and me and my mother flew down to the place runway where our family were cheering for our return. Moroha ran into Inuyasha arms and Kagome was wiping her tears. I walked over to the twins who ran up to me hugging me tightly. I hugged them back.

"Where's your mother" I asked. They looked at me and pointed to where hisui was laying someone on the car demon. I walked over and my eyes widened at the sight. Rin was pale and her skin was sunken in around her eyes.

"What is the meaning of this" I said kneeling next to her moving her hair from her face.

"I think she used up all of her power" hisui said. I placed my forehead against hers and the mark on forehead glowed. The twins mark already appeared and started to glow. Suddenly Rin's whole body glowed white and her skin color returned to normal. Her eyes fluttered opened to reveal her beautiful brown eyes.

My vision was blurry as I opened my eyes. I looked around and my eyes landed on lord Sesshomaru. I reached my hands toward his cheeks and placed them there.

"Don't worry Rin I'm here" he said kissing my forehead.

"You came back to me" I said smiling.

(Play song)

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