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    Hearing the steps getting closer in the hallway I could tell he was stumbling, so he’s very drunk this’ll be pleasant. A sudden thud startled me out of my thoughts. He fell, whether he passed out or just fell, he was going to be angry when he got up and I didn’t want to be here for it.

    I unlocked my window, climbed down the house, and ran through the neighborhood till my house was out of sight. Soon I was walking the city streets coming to an underpass. I wasn’t paying much attention and got shoved to the side, slamming my head and back against the concrete wall. 

    Allmight charged past chasing the… well I don’t know what it is but it’s green and sludgy, and it’s moving fast. With a flick of his finger and an obnoxiously loud yell, which didn’t help my headache,  the sludge villain exploded and was collected into bottles. By the time I was trying to sit up and regain my balance Allmight was heading my way.

Stopping in front of me he asked, “Hey, kid, you alright? You shouldn't have stepped into that villains path, that was dangerous and stupid of you to do!”
“I actually didn’t sir-”
“And now you’re making excuses!” He got closer, “ I don’t wanna hear it young man, you aren’t a hero so don’t go acting like one!”
“Allmight, sir, I was just walking and that villain rushed towards me and knocked me over, I didn’t try to fight him.”

After being able to finally tell him my side of the story I started calming down some and the realization that I’m talking to the Allmight is starting to settle in. Although the high of speaking with my -once upon a time- favorite hero was quickly wearing off when I found him still talking down to me about ‘stepping in the way’.

Alright that’s enough of this, there’s one less hero to idolize. I stand up all the way, straightening my back trying to feel what all would be bruised from hitting the wall so hard.

“Now have you learned your lesson young man?”
Oh, he’s still talking
“I’ll be leaving now." I said walking away from the scene. 

(incase there’s any confusion this is him thinking while he’s walking) 

There’s a park nearby so I decided on that as my destination and left Allmight behind to finish his business with the sludge villain.

He didn’t make any attempt to follow me so I guess I won’t be seeing him any time soon, which is fine by me because he’s kind of a d***. At Least being at the park meant that I didn’t have to be around the sperm donor I live with.

I reached over to mess with the bandages under my sleeve, finding myself thinking about the recent events. I couldn’t believe I actually supported the #1 hero when he acts like that, I feel bad for his soulmate. Speaking of feeling bad for soulmates, mine lucked out getting two soulmates, instead of the normal one soulmate. they can be together if they’re lucky enough to find each other, and they don’t even have to meet me and get disappointed that I’m their soulmate. Besides, I'm tired of disappointing the people I care about. Either way if I do find them I’ll try to stay away, I don’t want to get attached again to someone who’s only going to leave me like my mom did. (he means like how his mom died)

They have each other and now I just have to lookout for anyone with my soul marks and stay away from them -and hope that it's not one of the rarer occurrences when you can tell you’re soulmates by eye contact- so i’ll have to look for the markings on their wrists and if I see them then I’ll know not to look into their eyes. But finding your soulmate through eye contact is so rare that I most likely won’t even have to worry about it. 

Oh, the park. I’m already here, at least my overthinking made the walk go by faster.

I sat on the swings and shoved off closing my eyes and focusing on the feel of the wind hitting my skin as I swing higher. It’s quiet and I’m the only person here. Opening my eyes to find the sky a darker color, I got off the swing to head home, that didn’t mean I was in a hurry though.

Dragging my feet along the side walk I slowly made my way home. I took a different route than on ym way here, this one is llonger and goes thrugh a rougher part of town.

I pulled my hood up and shoved my hands in my pockets trying to make myself look less noticable, it seemed to work, for a while at least.

All of a sudden I felt a sharp tug on my hood, at the same time yanking it down and pulling it tight around my throat. I felt my face hit a rough surface, brick, and a cold metal on the back of my neck. I should’ve known it was a mistake to take this route.

“Give me all your money,” Said the man, “ or I’ll shoot.”
“Real basic.” I whisper
“What’d you say?!”
“I don’t have any money.”
“You’ve gotta have something on you, give it up kid. I’m not lying, I will shoot you!”
“And I’m not lying, I don’t have any money.” I’m trying to stay calm but Mr. Badguy here is really starting to piss me off.

(935 words)  Sorry for the wait! My summer break just started and I've finally gotten time to write.

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