Chapter 11 - Ritual of Intent

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The next morning, they headed for the appointment with Fermand.

Mirayoung stayed him with her soft hand when they reached the intersection of Half-Past Lane, which led up to the Administrator's Hall. A semi-visible barrier could be seen as Jerius caressed it with his fingers with some fascination.

"There's a powerful barrier enveloping this area all the way to the Administrator's Hall. Without an Endorsed Seal, you do not cast any spell unless you want to be attacked by the earth spirits that reside within the ground. They react in Fermand's defence."

They stepped into the barrier, and Jerius felt sensations akin to little spiders crawling on his skin. If he squinted his eyes hard enough, he could see tiny imp-like spirits, white as snow, scurrying about on the ground.

"Are those spirits you said the Tallis Magicians contracted with?"

Mirayoung held her next step, her eyes widened at Jerius. "Those must be the sensor-spirits Fermand uses as part of the barrier. I can't see them. Not everyone can see them. You've a natural affinity to Tallis Magic. No wonder Lyvia chose you."

"Will that help me slightly with Fermand?"


"And well...if you had gone with Tallis, you might not even need the Maker Ritual. I wonder how you look...originally."

Jerius gave her a side glance. "Wouldn't have known. I studied with Mistress Lyvia."

It was order at its finest. The manse-like Administrator's Hall was at the epicentre of a garden, set to perfection. This contrasted against the beautiful but rambling affair of houses, waterways and smaller yards that he saw on his way here.

"I know an entire city to the east of Nox who will appreciate the perfect order of this place," Jerius said, being half amused and half amazed. "I can do the introduction."

Mirayoung hushed then made known to him that the whole area after the barrier was designated for the officials reporting to Fermand. And within the Guild, they could mold the site they own however they want it, making such diverseness a common sight.

Standing by the perfect garden were two ladies with emblematic tattoos, arming themselves with spears that saw golden bolts flickering at the tip from time to time. They were not the Guild Guardians, who resided on the outer rim of the Guild and rarely granted entry into the inner sanctum, but the personal guards to the administrator.

"You should be glad only two guards man the place," Mirayoung whispered. "Honest truth. They always make me uncomfortable."

"State your purpose." Jerius then heard from one of the guards.

"We've a personal appointment with Administrator Fermand. Magus Kas of the Administration Branch must have filled in the details, " Mirayoung said.

The other Guardian with a proud, strong look stared at Jerius, and frankly, intimidated him a little. Her stern eyes transferred to Mirayoung, as she said disapprovingly. "Isn't he the Amok of Mondeus Village? We'll need to verify with Lady Fermand."

"The name's Jerius," Jerius said. Kas was an exception, I see.

"Let them in. Magus Kas did indeed set me up with Mirayoung and the Amok of Mondeus Village," a voice came from behind them, startling both. It was a deep lady's voice that commanded respect.

The voice continued, "Pardon my Sen Guards. They tend to be overprotective."

Jerius turned, seeing a massive shoulder that dwarfed not just his but those he knew, including Zenvix and the numerous giants of a man Nox knighted to lead their cavalries. She was a tall, thick lady, her shiny hair soaked with oil that gave off the mixed smell of various herbs.

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