Chapter 30 - Erisbane Manor

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The bustling market street opened up to a fork in the road, with an apparent dichotomy that unveiled itself before the two paths present. While both led to rows of residential houses, the path on the left revealed houses of a different status, judging by the differences in aesthetic design and the choice of building materials used. "The Erisbane Manor is this way," Misaki said, walking briskly down the left.

"This district belongs to the wealthy families I suppose?" Yurisviel commented, eyeing the front porches of elegant residences where the citizens have grown well-groomed flora of their own or flaunted artefacts of expensive origins. "Yes it does." Misaki replied tersely. Though her tone kept an image of politeness, Zenvix thought he heard an undercurrent of discomfort.

As they journeyed quickly down the lane, they met citizens who were dressed in various degrees of ostentatious attires, from showy leather tunics to gowns with elaborate jewellery. The prince's group looked like misfits in their midst. Stares of curiosity began to arise, slowly at first, but akin to a slumbering dragon awoken from its sleep by unwanted intruders, the stares evolved to something else altogether.

"What is she doing here?" A pair of regally dressed ladies muttered loudly to each other as the group passed by. An old man looked on critically from his front porch, his face the very image of seething chagrin. Zenvix cast his eyes around warily. What's with these people? He thought, quickening his pace to match Misaki's strides.

As they neared a couple of men walking towards them in the opposite direction, Zenvix saw from the corner of his eyes the man with a top hat shoved his shoulder forcefully against Misaki's own, causing the lady to lurch sideways from the aggressive impact. "Well, well, if it isn't the progeny of Skavesh, what is a vermin such as yourself doing in the first class district of Ceil?" The man spinned his hat before speaking with a sneer.

"Now, now, Jose, let us be careful here. What else can a promiscuous woman born of lust be doing in Ceil's wealthiest district? Must be peddling her services to a noble or two. I heard a rumor that she had been offered a place in Gerbin Fairmont's household before. As consort." The second man spoke loudly before leering at Misaki. "I can see why though," he finished suggestively, letting his eyes wander uninhibited.

"Watch your mouth," Yurisivel responded angrily. "Or I will make you gargle your own blood."

Stiffened slightly by the blunt remark, Jose turned his head towards the prince and his retainers. " three must be our Nighvictorian guests. Welcome to Ceil. I heard of your arrival from my connections with the prominent families, and rest assured I am not unsympathetic to your cause. Pardon our language in your presence, but you really should not be mixing around with the wrong company. I can help you out there," Jose said as he extended his hand.

The prince considered the outstretched hand for a short moment. "I think I know for myself what constitutes the wrong company. If you are done with your tasteless remarks, best get your asses on your way," Zenvix said firmly.

The man's smile rescinded as he slowly lowered his hand. "Why do you side with that misfit? Don't you know that she is a demon born from the Evil One's lust? Just behold that likeness to Skavesh‒no one in Ceil was ever born with that damned hair and bloody eyes!"

"Back in Nox, I was not far off from a misfit myself. Besides, just because you have not seen other pink-haired-and-red-eyed women in Ceil does not mean they could not exist elsewhere. If a thousand women in this world were born with similar features, were they all the children of Skavesh then? Likeness to a God does not mean anything in and of itself, Jose. You seem to be born with privilege and power, I will give you that. But sadly, what I can't give to you is a working brain. Have a nice day, good sir." Zenvix finished.

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