Chapter 14 - King and the Maverick

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A twisting passageway underneath the palace, past the rusted prison walls, led to an ancient chamber door, unused for long and unknown to many. Beyond it was a room amongst numerous in the palace's underground maze.

A strapping figure sporting a salt-and-grey beard was accompanied by a young child. As they navigated adeptly through the labyrinth, the child shuddered at the sight of the prison cells, though the elderly figure dispensed with notice. After various turns and twists, the pair finally reached the primeval chamber door. The adolescent saw the old figure insert an ancient key into the keyhole, turned it, and the door opened to a huge space lit by various torches in equally spaced sconces around the chamber edge. There was already a lean man within.

"Are you certain this will work, Ellydian?" King Arcturius Nighvicto asked, his tone curt. He entered the chamber, folding his arms as he eyed the slimmer man.

"There are no guarantees in life, as there are no guarantees in magic, oh King. Especially not in the magic I practise. I trust that you are fully cognizant of the covenant?"

The King made no response to the sorcerer's question, the latter's tone tinged with minute sarcasm. If Arcturius Nighvicto had taken offense, he chose not to show it.

"That being said, I am the best person to carry out this covenant to its intended outcome. Perhaps, the only one." The sorcerer continued with a tint of relish in his words.

The King clasped two fingers under his chin, giving Ellydian a hard look. "The sorcerer's pride once again rears its ugly head. I only hope, for your sake, that you live up to it."

"Oh but this sorcerer is not your ordinary runt from the Guild, Conqueror King. My time at the Guild is as old as the Cabal themselves. Few will know me, few will remember, and few bother to. But, I have left my mark, in my own way."

"The archmagus Ellydian Einsworth. Some say Ellydian the Maverick, or even Ellydian the Eccentric. But you are also known as the Master of Alchemy." The King responded.

The sorcerer waved his hand in casual disregard. "Titles mean nothing to me. You might even say that being the Master of Alchemy gave me my label of eccentricity. Such ignorance from these naysayers - Alchemy is not a second-rate art. It is an art of sheer patience; the likes of which virtually all at the Guild had little to speak of. That was why I left the darned place."

"Alchemy has fallen behind, belittled and underestimated. Long before, there was High Magic, there was Tallis Magic, and there was Alchemy. The trinity of magical arts. Now, all the old dodders preach are the former two. An insult. Thence I am here to exalt it once again."

The archmagus snapped his fingers. "Now, I believe my subject is this charming boy here?"

The King beckoned to a raven-haired boy of twelve who had followed him to the chamber. "Zenvix, do as you are told."

Ellydian's eyes narrowed hesitantly upon hearing the name. "You are sure you ought to do this? An unproven experiment on your own boy? The heir of Nox?"

"Questioning your sponsor is outside the covenant, archmagus. Need I remind you that to fulfill the....requirements of your experiment as per the agreement, I have lost many capable soldiers and Magi from my forces?"

"Besides," The king continued, "You are the great Ellydian, Master of Alchemy. Surely you have calculated the odds before putting your reputation on the line for this experiment?" he finished shrewdly.

Ellydian said nothing. Instead, he pointed a finger at the chamber's midsection, where a queer diagram has been drawn on the ground, consisting of four circles joint by jagged lines, while bound by a larger circle. "Zenvix, can you step into the smaller circle at the centre please?"

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