Chapter 15 - Past Unfold

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Jerius stirred. A sharp pain punctuated his head as more consciousness came back. He surveyed around the tiny cell, built with a pulsating circle of sigils engraved into the stone floor.

How long has it been?" He thought.

The stone wall around him, topped with an oppressive and low ceiling, was inscribed with powerful signs that sealed his magic. His arms were shackled as well with anti-magic cuffs. This space felt almost too comfortable for him.

Bitterness in his mouth, Jerius called out to the broad silhouette of a person sitting on a small stool, just behind where the dim light could shine. "You got your wish after all. A Noxarian behind your prison bars."

"Don't speak foul of what you do not understand," Fermand leaned forward, the dim light from above casting uneven shadows on her strong features that gave her a countenance even more fearful to behold.

Jerius gritted his teeth. "How long was I here?"

"Two days."

"Where's Mirayoung?"

"She's investigating something for me. Don't worry. It's for the purpose you came," Fermand said. "You got what you want."

"To hunt the wraith? You sure know how to delegate," Jerius tilted his head, so the faint light from outside the bars could shine on his left eye. There was a fiery hint to it.

"Now," Fermand said, ignoring him. "Mirayoung made me promise a few things. No truth serum. No torture‒what does she think I am? But I do have a few questions about the man you're pursuing."

"So you're not going to kill me?" Jerius asked.

"No," Fermand said. "But don't make me change my mind."

There was an edge in her voice that told Jerius she meant it.

Jerius said, his tone biting. "I would prefer a comfortable space with warm light and a pretty face to look at before talking but shoot your questions away."

If Fermand were affected, she showed no signs of that.

"This will feel slightly more comfortable than the Ritual of Intent...hopefully," Fermand extracted a few sapphire orbs that glowed blue in the dim light.

"I feel like a lab rat for your dissection and abuse," Jerius could see tiny spirits wisping around them.

"Where were you when Aderis killed Nighvicto VII?" she said. "Now, if you want us to help you fight Aderis, answer my question. I will not ask twice."

Jerius stifled the growing emotions he had in him, and the distaste of being imprisoned. The last he was stuck behind cold steel, Nox fell. For all their disagreements, Fermand aligned with him in intent and stood on the same side against Aderis. Being cagey or defiant would hurt his cause.

"Imprisoned. Aderis knew I would be an obstacle. He pinned the false claim of rebellion on me when King Nighvicto VII was down with an illness and unable to attend court," he said, which trailed off into a mutter. "If I had known, I would truly rebel at that point. Zen wasn't around, so Aderis held complete sway over Box as the grand advisor."

"So imprisoned within Nox? That's close enough," Fermand said, musing. "The distance isn't far. I want you to, in your mind's eye, trace the path from the prison cell to the king's private chamber."

"...where he drew his last breath." Jerius furrowed his brows, checked himself and acquiesced to the request. He inhaled and closed his eyes. The rough stone floor and the anti-magic cuffs eased his visualisation as he traversed through his memories, back to the original prison cell in Nox.

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