Chapter 28 - Gift

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An air of oppressive and foreboding silence descended upon the air. It was as if the message summarized by Zenvix carried the very chill of the inhospitable mountain ranges of northern Elaria.

"This is grave news," Dylas said heavily. "My word. An incoming invasion by the beastmen of the northern tribes? If what Alvaro said was true, a great war is coming. A bigger one than what hit Nox." Misaki looked visibly disturbed, yet a grain of disbelief permeated her visage. "How is this possible? The beastmen were routed, and their Alpha, Maagros the Minotaur, was killed by the combined forces of Eqia and Nox during the Frostfire War three decades ago. Ever since then, I heard that the beastmen were in disarray and there was rampant in-fighting among the unruly tribes."

"A new Alpha has ascended," Zenvix said ominously. "From Alvaro's words, a dominant beastman, said to be stronger and more savage than Maagros, had unified the tribes under his rule. He sits atop the Frostbone Throne now, commanding his monstrous legion for a second invasion of Western Elaria."

"But why Ceil?" Misaki exclaimed. "It makes no sense if you see it from the beastmen's viewpoint. Eqia is the closest city to Icesia North, and also the rightful target of their vengeance. Territory annexation should logically start from there."

"It makes sense to Aderis," Zenvix responded. "Because we are here. Because the Third Key is here."

"Wait, are you saying that Aderis has somehow convinced the savage beastmen to side with his cause? Impossible. They are barbarians, and they listen to no one save the Alpha who is the strongest of them all." Misaki said incredulously.

"The information that Alvaro procured came from none other than the perpetrator behind our demonic assault at Merchant's Hill‒Bismarck. Leveraging his network, Alvaro managed to capture the scoundrel, who is in the midst of a plan to poison the general of Ceil and her deputy officers. He has admitted his allegiance to Aderis under duress from Alvaro. To further verify Bismarck's information, Alvaro also sent his ravens to Icesia North to scout out the region. What he saw spoke clearly of Aderis's hand in the beastmen's current path of war," Zenvix replied.

"To poison the general of Ceil, Faelynn Erisbane? he trying to-" Dylas conjectured.

"-realise Zila's worst fears about Nox? Yes. Aderis's lackey had obviously done his homework in Ceil. He knew of Zila's prejudice towards Nox and had prepared to emulate King Vladimos's diabolical act to create hatred towards Noxarians, hoping to borrow Zila's hand to dispose of us. At the same time, by getting rid of the commanding echelon of Ceil's army, the city's defending forces would be compromised, making it even easier for the beastmen to raze Ceil to the ground. Killing two birds with one stone." Zenvix finished.

"The ploy is coming together now," Misaki nodded, her expression a picture of bleakness. "One thing though - you mentioned that Alvaro saw Aderis's involvement in Icesia North? What, through his ravens...?"

"Alvaro is skilled in beast manipulation magic," Zenvix replied, recalling the encounter he had with the mage back at Merchant's Hill. "He is able to immerse in the senses of his controlled beasts; in this case, ravens. Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. All five senses are linked to his mind while he is in control. With the ravens' aid, he scouted out Icesia North, and what assailed him was the revolting smell of bloodlust. Heavy and putrid, like suffocating smog."

"Smell of bloodlust?" Yurisviel said, her memory jolted. Zenvix nodded his head in sombre affirmation. "The scent of the dark artifact. All of the beastmen reek of it, for they have been subverted. Corrupted by the energy of Demon's Seduction. Worst of all, they are coming now, even as we speak, with the nefarious power of the dark artifact behind them."

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