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Hello guys!

I am here to to say a few things..

First of all- THANK YOU for the support you have shown to this story of mine. I am extremely grateful and honestly - very surprised! Because the only reason I started this was bc I couldn't find any Baji fics and I told myself ''if I can't find any, I will make my own''. Soo yeah- this story was purely created from one of my many sudden whims and I didn't really expect the attention it will get afterwards! And that motivated me to see this story through, to the end.

The second thing I want to discuss is the next update- It will be a bit delayed because of my studies. I am very occupied at the moment with the finals and studying for them and other subjects. I want to apologize for that- I won't be able to upload the next chapter this week, it will probably happen this weekend if I get lucky and finish studying early but if not it will happen in the beginning of the next week- I will try my best to do it so it can be uploaded early and to be of a quality!

And the last thing is a bit more lighthearted! You know, I showed Tokyo Revengers to one of my friends that haven't seen or read it. I showed her some pics of Baji bc duhh- I'm a freaking simp for him, but that isn't important now- and while we were on Pinterest she suddenly saw this picture-

 I showed her some pics of Baji bc duhh- I'm a freaking simp for him, but that isn't important now- and while we were on Pinterest she suddenly saw this picture-

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- and that mf had the audacity to say this:

''He looks like the big ugly dog with angry issues that every neighbourhood has..'' and when I tell you.. I didn't know if I should be extremely offended or to agree that he looks like that one big dog with angry issues but then scold her and tell her that he is the definition of B E A U T Y- but yeah I choose the latter (even tho I was still very much offended) and she got a lecture from me about beauty and that Baji is no where near ugly.

And yeah- I think this is all I wanted to share!


bye bye

A second chance // Baji Keisuke Where stories live. Discover now