Chapter 6

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You were again getting saved by Keisuke Baji and you think that now is the time to return the favor, you will make it, without a doubt, no matter what, even if it costs you your life, you will do it.

You hugged Baji tighter, trying to permanently remember the scent that always lingers on him. He is your motivation, your pillar. You will make him proud and you will not disappoint.


After that little exchange, he walked you back. You two said your goodbyes and separated. You entered the building that you grew to call your home and got to the floor where your room is.

As you entered the space that worked as the lobby for the brothel you saw Kenchin sitting on one of the couches that were placed there for the costumers, you assumed, waiting for you.

You went to sit next to him. ''Hey Draken.''

''Hey, how was your date?'' 

''Ah- it was good. Heard that Baji came to you for an advice..''

''Yeah, that idiot wanted to waste so much money, I mean yeah- it's good to spoil your significant other but most importantly, you want them to be happy, and you are the happiest when you are with him doing stupid stuff, so I just guessed you would be happier with a less expensive date or something..''

''Yeah, I was, and still am, really happy, thank you.'' you smiled at him. 

He starred at your face for a moment and then asked ''You okay?''

''Hm- yes, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?'' you questioned, feeling surprised at his sudden concern. 

''Are my worries really that apparent on my face or is Draken just really good at reading me.'' you wondered in your mind.

''It's nothing really, don't worry.'' you continued.

''Really..?'' he paused, you nodded and then he sighed ''Okay, but if it's something serious you know that you could share, right? After all, since you came to live here with me and the others, you became part of our family, so you shouldn't worry that you would be a burden or anything- you would never be one, we all think of you as our sister.''

You teared up a little at that. Sighing at yourself, for letting Draken worry for you when he already has many things on his plate, you let your head fall on his shoulder and rest there.

For a while it was silent till you decided to break it and say something.

''Yes, I'm worried about something but I must do this myself. You know, Baji said a similar thing too when he noticed that I was zooning out constantly, he easily figured me out as you did too. I'm sorry about worrying you both, but it's okay. If I want help, you two will be the first ones to know.''

The boy sitting next to you nodded at your words, taking them in and accepting your decision.

''Thank you for caring, Kenchin.''

''Of course.''

It was silent again, but you two were comfortable with it, even though you could still hear some indecent sounds coming from some of the rooms on the floor, you didn't pay them any mind, already gotten used to it constantly happening. But Draken can't be serious for long as he decided to say something:

''So.. no goodbye kisses tonight?''

''Oh my god, you can't be serious!?'' you moved your head away from his shoulder to look at his face while he was laughing at how baffled you looked right now.

A second chance // Baji Keisuke Where stories live. Discover now