Chapter 1

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You were in a shop, waiting for your order to be done, just sitting on one table at the corner looking out of the window as the raindrops continuously hit it.

''What a matching weather for today..'' you thought still staring outside. Blanking out unconsciously, you didn't hear the worker at the counter call out for your order. After a few seconds you finally heard the call and stood up, with not much of a hurry visible in your steps and took your meal.

''Here you go.'' you said as you handed the money to the worker, turned around and walked out of the shop. You put the hood of your sweater up, not really wanting to get your hair wet because of the rain.

Crossing the street and walking to your destination, which wasn't that far away from where you were at the moment, you weren't really thinking of anything - just wanting to get there and visit him.

''I'm finally here.'' you mumbled to yourself as you entered the place and searched for the boy you were looking for.

As you finally caught a sign of the name you were searching for, you went closer, squatted down in front of the stone on which was written the name Keisuke Baji.

''Baji...'' you whispered and looked fondly at the words written in front of you, memories swirling in your head, it was hard to not let tears escape but you composed yourself, took some deep breaths and smiled.

Sitting down, you took the meal you bought before coming here out and put it in between you and the grave.

''Here Baji, I bought us some peyoung yakisoba. Let's share like before, okay?''

After you ate half of it, you put the cup down and sat still for a bit.

''Ah, I brought something with me. After all, I haven't visited in a long while.'' you said while looking for something in your bag ''So I decided to bring some old photos to, you know, reminisce the past a bit, that wouldn't be such a bad idea, right?''

And so you sat there for about an hour, looking through photos and talking to Baji's grave as if he was there with you.

The rain continued to fall down on you but you didn't really pay it any mind. Stopping for a moment you put down the picture you were holding and stayed silent just looking down at it on your lap.

It was the picture you and the guys from Touman took when you first created the gang. You were so young and free, looking at the picture now you wondered where did it all go wrong.

''Baji.. I really miss you, you know, after your death Mikey changed, Touman took a turn, a very big turn that me and the guys didn't really like. We tried talking to Mikey but not even Kenchin was able to get through him.'' you were silent again for a few seconds ''If you.. Baji, if you were there what would you have done? Would your words have made a difference? I don't really know but I just can't help but wonder..''

A few moments later you started to gather the photos that were scattered on the floor in front of you and put them back in your bag. You stood up and looked at the grave for the last time and said:

''I will be on my way now Baji..'' you smiled softly, even though it didn't really reach your eyes ''I will try to visit you sometime soon again, alright? See you..'' after that you turned around and went towards the exit.

''Hmm.. It's still raining, let's hope that I won't be soaked before I reach home..'' you thought as you started to walk faster towards the way to where your house is.

''Ah..'' you mumbled to yourself as suddenly one of the pictures in you bag slipped out and fell down. You reached down to grab it but because of the wind that was around you couldn't do it as the photo was moved towards the street.

You looked to both sides and as you saw that there were no cars around you quickly ran and grabbed it, putting it in your bag again, making sure that it wouldn't happen again.

Just as you were about to get away from the middle of the street you slipped thanks to the rain.

''Fuck, now I'm actually soaked, great..'' you said as you were standing up and trying not to slip again.

But suddenly hearding honking, you looked in front of you to see a car zooming in your direction.

''Shit!'' you exclaimed and tried getting away but you didn't make it in time.

You didn't really get what happened. It all was too fast for you, the only thing you are sure is that it hurts, it hurts like hell.

As you were losing your consciousness, you caught a sign of the photo you were trying to retrieve. It was a photo of you and Baji hugging, looking at the camera with smiles, behind you both were the guys making funny expressions and at the background were birthday decorations. That was on his birthday. And after that the final thing you thought was ''Baji...''







''it's so  dark in here. Is this what death feels like? I didn't really expect it to be feeling so... soft? Wait- what? Soft? I'm so confused- why does death feels like I'm laying on a freaking bed? I'm starting to doubt if I'm even dead-''

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door opening and a sudden light appearing that caused you to squint you eyes.

''Wait...'' you thought to yourself as you finally opened your eyes. 

You sat up from the couch that you were apparently laying on and looked around confused.

You were trying so hard to convince yourself that you were actually alive, sitting on a couch, breathing and not dead as you had previously thought you were, that you missed the person that was in the room with you.

They were looking at you with eyes filled with amusement and didn't really announce their presence in the room as they wanted to see for how long you would be obvious about them being in there with you.

You finally managed to convince yourself that you were in fact very much alive - you even pinched yourself for safety measurements- and looked  down at your hands that were resting in lap.

''How in the hell am I alive? I'm sure I got into a car incident? Did someone save me or something?'' you were thinking to yourself when you heard someone clearing their throat. 

The person that was with you in the room saw that you weren't really going to realize that they were there for a while seeing as you were in your head and your surrounding didn't really sink in so they decided to finally make their presence known to you.

You flinched at the sound, not really expecting it. As you looked up, in the direction of the sound you didn't really know what or who you were expecting, but you sure as heck weren't expecting him. The shock and disbelieve you were experiencing at the moment were clear in your voice as you muttered the boy's name.


The said boy chuckled and smiled cheekily at you as a response.

''Yo, you finally awake?''


And that is the first chapter guys! I really hope you like it and will continue to read it if you are interested in what will happen next! I will update the next chapter some time next week. So bye for now!

A second chance // Baji Keisuke Where stories live. Discover now