Chapter 16

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Then you could barely hear Draken wondering what is his commander thinking.

And honestly, you wondered the same thing.

Kisaki stood back up and beckoned for his lackey to follow him.

The next thing that you saw was Takemitchy bolting straight for Kisaki and punching him right in the face.

''Takemitchy!'' you exclaimed, shocked at the sudden circumstances.


For a moment everyone present was in a stunned silence, till it was broken by the shouts of anger and disbelieve directed towards Takemichi.

You were frozen in your spot. 

Your eyes were opened so wide that you thought that they would fall out at some point. 

You didn't expect this announcement to come to this and what is even more, you weren't expecting Takemitchy to punch that fucker right now, in front of everyone.

But if you were going to be honest, you were feeling like a proud parent on the inside. 

It might have been a stupid move from his side, but you just couldn't help but feel amused and proud, after all you really wanted to do that too, however you apparently had more common sense than Takemitchy in this situation.

''What the hell are you doing, Takemitchy?!'' you were snapped out of your shocked state by Draken shouting at Takemitchy.

''You aren't even in Touman?! Are you trying to ruin the ceremony?!'' he continued as you made your way towards them, but you were outpaced by Mitsuya, Smiley and Mucho.

They surrounded the poor boy and started scolding or more like threating him in Smiley and Mucho's case.

You pushed your way through and you saw Kisaki balancing himself and positioning his glasses on the right spot again as Takemichi had punched them away.

''Hey, hey let's calm down a bit.'' you tried cooling down the tension that had started building up, but it was to no avail as it seemed that no one was paying attention to your words or decided to simply ignore them.

 At this point, even Mikey has turned around to see what was all the commotion about exactly.

Then as if it couldn't have gotten even worse, Baji choose the worst timing to show up.

 ''Yo, what's going on here?'' he questioned as he scrolled through the crowd, as relaxed as ever.

''This looks like fun!'' he exclaimed, smiling cheekily.

''Great, this is turning into an even more big of a mess..'' you hopelessly muttered to yourself in your mind.

The captains were surprised to see him here, as he had previously been banned from showing up to meetings and such.

At that moment, you two had a short eye contact and you just nodded at him as if saying 'do what you think is best' as he nodded back.

You hoped that your exchange passed unnoticed by everyone here, not wanting to complicate things even more.

While the attention had moved to Baji, Takemitchy had a moment to think and he quickly realized that this boy was the person you were trying to save.

But that moment was cut short as the previously mentioned boy out of a sudden started punching him. 

Takemitchy knew that Baji has violent behavior sometimes as you have mentioned it to him before, but he really didn't expect this. And judging by your surprised expression, you didn't either.

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