Chapter 17: strange

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Heyyyy I never forgot about you guys! I've just had some issues and my mental health hasn't been as good lately. I've tried writing chapters but I ended up deleting them cause I didn't know what to write. You guys can always leave suggestions and they most likely will be in the next chapter! Srry for the short chapter lol.

I jump into bed, after the long day I had. We went out down town and looked around. But it ended up raining so we had to drive around most of the day. I curled up under the covers and begin to rest my eyes.

"Heyy!-" Karl exclaimed, slamming open the door.

"hey." I mumbled, turning over to look at him.

"Well don't you look comfortable." He said tilting his head side ways.

"I am indeed comfortable." I said,covering my head with the blanket.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to watch a movie-" he said, taking his shoes off.

"It's 11pm. What movie theater is open at this time." I asked, peeking my head out from under the blanket.

"Babe. I mean on the tv. But you look sleepy." He explained, climbing into bed.

"Yeah yeah." I said,turning the other way.

"Um okay then. Do you want to cuddle!" Karl exclaimed, pulling the covers over him.

"Sure ig."

I woke up, I sat up and looked around. It was pitch dark. I'm not a big fan of the dark so layed back down.

"Karl-" I whispered, trying to feel for him. But he was gone.

I sat back up and moved the blanket. He wasn't there. I crawled out of bed, and walked towards the door. I opened it and looked down the hall way. Pitch black. Great. I walked towards Alex's room and opened the door. I saw Karl in Alex's bed. I'm pretty sure I saw Alex there too. But Karl wouldn't leave bed like that.I walked into the room, and looked at Karl. Strange, he usually moves around in his sleep. I went to shake him awake, but then I saw a note on him. It said "Nighty Night.". I shook Karl but he didn't move. I went move to alex and shook him, he didn't move either. I walked backwards out the room confused as ever.

I walked to Sapnaps room, and opened the door. I got a breeze of cold air, he left the ac on. I looked over at his bed, and didn't see him there. What is going on. I walked into the room and checked his bed. There was nothing. Than I heard a door shut.

"I finally found you!" A voice said laughing.

I looked over and it was Jason. All in black, even the hat was black, no wonder I didn't see him. He slowly walked towards me, and I moved back. Until I fell on the bed. He pulled out a needle and jabbed it in me. I screamed in pain and tried kicking him away. He pulled it out, and threw it on the ground. "Nighty night..y/n." Once he said that I passed out.

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