chapter 15

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i really hope you guys enjoy cuz this took me so long lmao- i'm literally fuckin drained after writing this. but anyways enjoy!

POV Blakely: It's Monday and i'm not happy about that. Monday means the start of the week and the start of the week means I have to go to school, and school means my break from getting bullied is over. I'm sitting in my desk when I see the devil himself walk in. Nick Carlson. He has this stupid smirk on his face and I can already tell it's not gonna be a good day. Clearly I zoned out because I was startled by Luca and Camilla waving their hands in front of my face.
"Hey girl! How was your weekend?" Camilla asked me once she had my attention.
"Hey Camilla, my weekend was good. What about you guys?" I asked.
"Me and Luca had a pretty good weekend, we painted our rooms and played some games and that's about it." She told me. I nodded and told her that it sounded fun, I noticed that Luca was staring at me and it felt oddly comforting. I quickly pushed that thought away and then class started.

Halfway through ELA class Camilla asked if I could go to her house this weekend to work on a project with her and Luca. I told them I would ask but i'm not sure how I would feel.
Anyways, class had ended and I was making my way to the library to eat lunch when Nick stopped me as always.

"Hey Blakely! How are you?" He asked in an enthusiastic tone.
"What do you want Nick?" I said getting annoyed with his bullshit.
"Nothing! Why would you think I would want something? I'm only trying to talk to my good friend Blakely." He said.
"Cut the crap Nick, we both know you don't like me and I don't like you. So what the heck do you want?" This kid got on my nerves 24/7 I swear to god. "Stop being a bitch oh my fucking god. You know maybe if you weren't so bitchy you would have friends, ever think about that? Wait never mind you still wouldn't have friends, you know why? Because your just a stupid little orphan girl, no one likes you Blakely. No one wants to be friends with an orphan." He just said that in front of the whole class. I didn't wanna cry but I couldn't stop the tears. I thought no one knew, Camilla and Luca were looking at me with shocked faces, almost like they regretted starting whatever this "friendship" was. All I could do is run. I didn't know where I was going or who I should go to but I knew I couldn't be in that area. I ran to the bathroom and broke down, I didn't want Maya or Carina to know about this so I just decided to suck it up. I stayed in the bathroom for the whole lunch period and then dried my tears and was about to make my way back to class like nothing happened. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Nick waiting for me. Oh shit. He yanked my arm and immediately started beating me up. I couldn't do anything because he had pinned me to the ground. He constantly punched my stomach and when I cried he even hit my face. He's never done that before. This went on for 10-15 minutes until he made his way to class, leaving me in the hallway. I was in so much pain and I didn't know what to do. I decided to muster up whatever strength I had left and crawled back into the bathroom. I took out my phone to call Andy. But the second I looked at it I saw that the screen was shattered. Oh god, Maya and Carina are gonna be so mad at me. I started to hyperventilate while I dialled Andy's number and after 3 rings she picked up.


"And-Andy-y. I need can you...pick please. Hurt."

"Mija what's wrong? I'm on my way ok?"

"Don't tell May-Maya-a and and Car-Carina plea-se."

"I'm on my way. We can talk when I get there."

"Mija, i'm here. I've signed you out saying you had an appointment where are you?"


"Ok I'm by the Library, come see me."

I hung up and slowly got up and made my way to find Andy.

POV Andy: When I saw Blakely she was beaten up pretty bad. I ran over and scooped her up and brought her to my car.
"Oh mija, what happened to you?" I sighed. She wouldn't tell me, she just told me to take her home. She also asked me not to tell Maya and Carina. I told her that they're gonna find out one way or another, their moms and moms know and find out everything. But I reassured her and said I wouldn't tell them right away but she would have to tell them today. She agreed as I took her home, well to my house. When we arrived I took Blakely up to the bathroom in mine and Robert's room and set her down on the counter. We stayed silent as I patched her up, and once we were done I texted Maya and told her that I would pick Blakely up today. I honestly didn't know what to say or do for Blakely right now so I just gave her some food and we sat in silence. The kid was sore all over, and you could really tell because she couldn't sit still, she was wincing and whining every few minutes but she tried not to show it. I had turned on Moana because Blakely loves all those Disney movies, so I thought it would give her some comfort.

Three quarters into the movie I heard the doorbell ring, I took a deep breath and thought "well here goes nothing." I was super nervous for Maya and Carina's reaction, I didn't want them to think I beat their kid. I would never do that so I hope they know that to. When I opened the door I stepped outside and told Maya to not overreact about what I was going to say.
"So, Blakely called me from school, just after lunch today,"
"She ditched school and you let her! Andy what the fuck!" She said starting to get mad.
"No Maya, if you let me finish you would understand why I did what I did. Now i'm going to finish telling you what I know and then you can talk." She nodded her head in response, then I continued, "When Blakely called me she sounded like she was hurt and had been crying a lot, I asked her what was going on and all she said was that she's hurt, needs to be picked up and not to tell you and Carina. Obviously I picked her up but I told her you were both gonna find out anyways so i'm giving you a heads up. I think this is a sensitive topic for her so maybe try and let her bring it up." After this Maya was silent, I could tell this was a lot of information for her to take in and comprehend.
"Wow.....thank you for know, telling me." She told me. I gave her a hug and said your welcome and then we walked inside.
"Hey bubba! How are you?" Maya asked like she didn't just hear anything I said. Blakely gave no response to that question but just said "Thank you for having me Andy."
"Anytime mija."

POV no one: The car ride home was silent, Blakely knew that Maya knew something had happened but neither of them knew how to bring the topic up. It was an awkward, tense ride home and as soon as they got home Blakely ran, well more like limped as fast as she could to her room. Maya felt heartbroken to see the girl in so much pain and she would do anything to take it away. Taking a deep breath, she dialled Carina's number. After 3 rings she picked up.

"Hello bella! How are you?"

"Carina, I need you to come
home now please. Something
happened to Blakely, she's
really hurt. Can you please get
Jo to cover your service?"

"Oh my goodness! Of
course! Ok i'm on my way
home right now. I will be there
in 15 minutes."

And with that the conversation ended. No one knew what to do or how to help. Maya and Carina were terrified because neither of them knew what happened, Blakely, she was also terrified. Only she was terrified for different reasons. She was scared of what would happen if Nick found out she told her parents, she was scared for what Camilla and Luca would think of her after finding out she's an orphan, but the thought that terrified her the most was what if Maya and Carina send her back, what if they think she's weak or not good enough. What if they send her back because she didn't tell them about the bullying. Would they be mad about the phone and how it's shattered now? These thoughts swarmed her head like bees, and they wouldn't stop.

Exactly 15 minutes later Carina had arrived home and ran to Maya frantically asking her what happened. Of course, this was a hard question to answer because even Maya didn't know the whole story, so she told Carina exactly what Andy told her.

as always plz comment ideas, feedback and suggestions!

I am so sorry for not updating in so long! this chapter and the next took me a long time and i'm having major writers block for the rest of chapter 16. anyways
here's chapter 15! hope you enjoyed!

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