chapter 22

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POV no one: The next morning Blakely woke up, she was still engulfed in Carina's sweatshirt, and cuddled up close in between her moms. For her, this was the best way to wake up. Looking over on her right she could see that Carina was still asleep, but on her left she could see Maya awake on her phone. The girl quietly scooted closer to Maya, since they were now both awake.

"Good morning bub." Maya said while pulling the girl closer to her.

"Morning mommy."

"How did you sleep baby?" The blonde asked.

"Mhmmm good." Blakely said as she cuddled in closer to Maya.

Seeing her daughter do this, cuddling up to her, wanting to hang out and be with her made her so happy. Maya never thought she would be cut out to be a mom, she even told Carina that she wasn't sure about kids. Maya was so afraid to have kids in fear of becoming like her father. He pushed her so hard, and it was only recently that she had realized she was abused by him, it took almost 25-30 years. But after reassurance from Carina, Andy, Vic and of course the rest of her team, she had realized she would never be like him. Maya knew she would be proud of her kid for everything they did. She will accept their career choice and help them pursue it, she will accept her child no matter who they like or what they identify as, she will be fair with punishments if they got in trouble, and lastly she will love her child no matter what, she will love her kid with everything in her and she will love every little thing about her kid.

"I love you my girl, mommy loves you so much, I love every little thing about you and I will always love you." Maya told her daughter with some tears rolling down her face.

"I-I-I love momma." Blakely said, still having a hard time accepting the fact that she loved them, because it made her vulnerable.
"Why are you sad momma?" She followed up, now realizing Maya was crying a little bit.

"I'm not sad Blakers, i'm happy, so very happy. You and your mamà mean the world to me, and I just love you so much and i'm so proud to call you my daughter. Your my bud, and I will always love you, even when times get hard."

Blakely kind of just nodded, not really knowing how to respond. No one had ever said anything like this to her, and it shocked her that Maya said she loved her that much. What really shook her, was that Maya promised to love her, even at her worst. Had they already seen "her worst"?

The girl decided to shake that thought off and cuddle in as close as she could to Maya. At this point the small girl was practically on top of the older woman, although Maya wasn't complaining in the slightest.

"What do you say, should we go make some breakfast for your mamà?" Maya asked her daughter with a sleepy smile.

"Mhmm I don't know?" Blakely said, also sleepily.

"How come you don't know hun?"

"Cuz I wanna stay here but i'm also hungry." The girl said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Maya laughed at the fact her daughter made this seem like it was the end of the world. I mean come on, amazing food or cuddles from her mom? How could she choose?! It was times like this that Maya (or even Carina) noticed how similar the eleven year old was to the older blonde. Of course there are also many things she says, does or even the way she expresses herself that make her like the Italian, and although not blood, the little girl is a perfect mix of them both.

After a while of cuddling Blakely turned her head towards the window, and the second she saw what it was she ran over with a huge smile on her face.

"Mommy mommy look! It's snow! There's snow outside!"

"There is snow outside! Do you like the snow?" Maya asked, already knowing the answer.

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