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These were all quotes and frequently used words he said in the canon plot, and it was unlikely that I edited it. However, if I did, it was so that it made it clear and easy to read. These were all things I used for my own writing to make character speech patterns accurate in my own stories, and all of these were just shared directly from my notes. The order of each student was completely randomized, so don't expect any pattern. I planned on add on more to these depending on if I found out more about the character in the future. If you had any requests for a character for me to research on, feel free to simply ask.

Some of these notes were based on work from CinneIsAsexual. All credit for writing out dialogue from certain free time events goes to them. Check them, and their stories out! They've written a nice Kokichi based story taking place in the killing game.

K. Ouma — Quotes and frequently used words

     Cited from:
     Kokichi Ouma — All Free Time Events and Ending (Shuichi and Kaede interactions).

— "Y'know"

— "O-Kay"

— "Hm?"

— "Pleaaase?" / "Pwetty pweeeeease?"

— "Hehehe..."

— "Huhuhu..."

— "Nee-heehee..."

— "Nee-heeheehee..."

— "Ah-haha!"

— "You intrigue me"

— Wording emphasis: "*Example*"

— "The supreme leader, *ahem* me, is a pacifist. That's why I settle fights with games."

— "By the way,"

— "What d'ya mean"

— "Ah-haha! Right there, (NAME)! That's the face I wanted to see!"

— "if you reeeally wanna (action), beg me not to kill you while kneeling on a hot plate!"

— "Aw man,"

— "Yuppers"

— "Mhmhm,"

— "Yup!"

— "Huh."

— "Of course (continue with bluff)"

— "But that's a lie!"

— "It's a lie!"

— "Just kidding!"

— "Who cares? We're gonna die anyway someday. This just changes the timing a little."

— "Ah-haha! Of course! What I said was a lie!"

— "Soooo then,"

— "Ugh! I'm bored now!"

— "(Speech beforehand,) bajillionth time (carry on...)"

— "Oh yeah, by the way..."

— "I hate lies and jokes."

— "Ta-daaaa!"

— "Dun, dun, duuuun..."

— "I've already reached my objective! I made your heart *die* with worry, didn't I? After I said I'd kill you, I was on your mind the whooole time, right? You thought about whether or not I was serious, or why I would say something confusing... Ha, even now! You're concerned about me from the bottom of your heart! Nee-heehee... Now, you'll never *ever* forget me for the rest of your life. I stole your heart, so now I'm satisfied! I don't need to steal your life anymore!"

— "I'm a liar!"

— "My body is made up of 70% lies!"

— "But hey, my lies never bored you, right?"

— "Maaan, what a shame."

— "Uh-ohhh!"

— "Nee-heehee... True, I am a liar, but you've fallen for my lies plenty of times. Why are you so certain this is another lie?"

— "Common sense, huh? Common sense, le sens commun, el sentido commun, joshiki...So many words that mean "common sense"... but who decides which one is right? Why are you so sure your idea of common sense is the right one?"

— He ends a lot of sentences with "right?"

— "Oh, sooooorry! I know I said I wouldn't say anything, but that was a lie, too!"

— "The Ultimate Initiative chose me to retrieve the title of Ultimate Supreme Leader. I'm the real deal, hand-picked by the government. What does your common sense think about that?"

— He finishes a majority of his sentences with a word that asks for confirmation: "Right?" "Okay?" "Yeah?" "Huh?"

— "Join my organization, and together we'll do as we please to all the stupid plebs in the world. Let's sit on top of the world and look down on everyone else... And if we just wanna watch the world burn? That's fine, too! We'll light he whole thing up!"

— He ends certain sentences with, "too".

— "Why? I know you could do it! And you'd be so popular, too! That's why I want you to become an agent for my organization."

— "It'd be amazing!"

— "So, [NAME], let's make a deal."

— "Oh, but..."

— "Hey, hey!"

— "You're such a sucker."

— "Oh, you mad? Sorry, sorry! Then I won't say anything at all!"

— "Hmmm, let's see... We met... under hostile circumstances similar to this."

— "You keep this up and you might be the first one who gets killed, y'know?"

— "Anyway,"

— "...Can it be!? Were you thinking about killing me this whole time? Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! Someone, help meeeeee!!! They're gonna kill meeeee!!!"

— "Hey, hey! [NAME]! Can you do me a favor?"

— "Don't gimme that face! I wouldn't ask you to do something crazy, like kill someone!"