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Percy finally relaxed. His memory was restored, two of his best friends were at his side, and he would see Annabeth soon. Annabeth! His heart beat a little faster when he thought of her, her gray eyes sparkling as she leaned in to kiss him. The one piece of his memory he'd held on to, the most important piece.

"There's the warship!" Frank said, pointing upward. "It's beautiful."

Hazel shielded her eyes. "A little threatening though, isn't it?"

"If it's going to take us to Europe, it's probably gotta be well armed," Percy said. "I've spent enough time in unfriendly seas to know not to underestimate how dangerous they can be."

Frank frowned. "You mean Alaska?"

"Yeah. And the Sea of Monsters. You guys ever been there?"

"The sea of what now?"

"It's like the regular ocean but with more monsters," Percy said. "Like a lot more monsters. And also, a mouth that sucks everything in."

Frank whistled. "Man, you have to tell us everything."

"That's going to have to wait," Hazel said, glancing back at them. "The ship landed in the battle fields, Reyna sent a party to meet them."

Percy's heart spiked. "Then let's go!" She was so close Percy could hardly think straight.

They hurried down the street and out to the fields, the grass bearing burn scars from the latest assault on New Rome. As they got closer, the crowds parted and Percy saw her. There were dark circles around her eyes, her eyebrows drawn in like when she was stressed, but her gray eyes still sparkled like diamonds in the afternoon sun. Everything else faded away and it was just them. An asteroid could have hit the earth and Percy wouldn't have cared. Annabeth was right there.

But as they approached the edge of the crowd, something was wrong. A subtle shift in mood, the overhanging cloud of a threat.

Next to him, Hazel made a strangled noise in the back of her throat. "That's Jason Grace," she whispered. Sure enough, the blond guy in the center of the circle wore a purple cloak. Percy could just make out a scar down the side of his face. It reminded Percy too much of someone else. Was that new?

Reyna said something, and there was a sudden flurry of movement. When the crowd parted again, Annabeth and her two companions were restrained by legionnaires, the boy shouting something.

Percy's breath caught in his throat and he grabbed Frank's arm. "What's..." he trailed off when he saw Annabeth's face. Her eyes were so intense, like whenever she stared down a monster or came up with a plan. Percy was trapped in her gaze as he felt her desperation, her I-haven't-seen-you-in-six-months-and-I-love-you fear. She was so heartbreakingly close, all Percy wanted to do was run to her, to her hold her in his arms and never let her go. But Annabeth slowly, nearly imperceptibly, shook her head. It couldn't have been a clearer message. Run! Percy didn't quite know what was happening, but he knew he had to trust Annabeth. Every fiber of his being fought him, but he forced himself to turn away.

"I need to get out of here," Percy whispered to Frank and Hazel. And bless them for reading the situation because they agreed immediately. As they hurried away from the mob, Percy couldn't help but glance backwards one last time. It nearly broke him. They were so, so close, Percy had waited sixth months for this, had lost his memory and got it back, and all the while thought of little but Annabeth. I'll come back to you, Percy thought. I swear on the River Styx. Then he wrenched his gaze from her and turned away.

Percy followed Hazel and Frank through the twisting streets of New Rome, ducking into alleyways to avoid people.

"There's a secret tunnel up through this door," Hazel said, opening a trap door in the basement of some abandoned building. "I know because I made it. No one will see you, I promise."

Percy swallowed. "Thanks, guys. I don't know what exactly happened back there but I'm not safe here. If I'm going to help Annabeth, then-then I have to leave." Percy's voice cracked but he didn't care. He was near dead with exhaustion, exhaustion about all of this. He kept thinking he and Annabeth were done with the games, the tragedy. But each new chapter of their lives came with a cruel new twist. Maybe they weren't destined for happiness. Shut up, he told himself, you're not helping.

"My best guess is Jason somehow shares Octavian's anti-Greek beliefs," Frank said, clapping Percy on the shoulder. "But trust me, we're on your side. Always."

Percy smiled at Frank and Hazel. They'd been through so much together, and here they were again. "I feel a lot better leaving knowing you two are here. And believe me, I will be back." Percy shouldered his pack and stepped down into the tunnel, the damp air ruffling his hair. "Take care, guys. I'll see you soon."

Hazel closed the door over his head, plunging him into darkness. Percy drew riptide, its bronze glow offering enough light so he wouldn't trip and kill himself. If he was going to get Annabeth back, he knew what his first stop needed to be.

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