3. Fall fair

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They walked to the fair which was only about 10 minutes away.

"Jake you're here" Zach said as jake have him a friendly smile.

"Yes I am" jake replied, "I want you to meet some of my friends" Zach said putting his arm around jakes shoulder in a brotherly way.

"That's great" jake smiled as the family followed Zach.

"Guys this is jake and peter" Zach introduced, "and these are peters kids" Zach added.

"Hey" the group of Zach friends said in uni sync.

"What brings the big actor to little old RS?" A man asked as he drank his beer, he was blond and bearded which he dressed like a farmer oddly enough since the towns name.

"Normal life" jake replied awkwardly but knowing he had the charismatic he pulled it off.

"If I was you I'd stay with the models" the man joked which caused a woman to smack him in the stomach lightly.

"Rob!" The redheaded woman hissed, she dressed in a pair of shorts and a button down.

"Sorry about rob he doesn't know when to shut up" the woman said as she eyed jake top to bottom.

"My girl Emmy gotta keep her eyes on her man not on the actor" rob said as he glared at jake

"Cool down man" Zach said to rob as he glared at him

"I'll go take romona to the dancing area" jake said awkwardly as he held romonas hand.

"Don't bump into riot!" Emmy joked

"What on earth was she talking about?" Jake thought to himself as he walked away.

Romona heard the sound of folk music and hurried to the dance floor where the kids and parents were dancing.

Jake held her by one hand and bent to bow as she was an arm away from him.

Jake twirled romona happily as her mint skirt floated around her in a graceful way.

He smiled as he watched his niece have fun while they were dancing, he saw peter and Gloria dancing together as well. Gloria was in peters arm as they twirled together.

Romona spotted some of her friends in which she left jake alone, jake chuckled as she went over to the three little kids.

As jake looked up he noticed a woman in dark clothing, he was mesmerized by her look.

The woman had black hair but as the sun reflected it appeared blue, she had blue frames set on her face to match the blue in her hair. The woman was tanned in which she looked very exotic, her eyes were like dark chocolate which screamed Arabic by the way her make up was set.

Jake noticed she was staring at the band, "probably likes musicians" he thought to himself

Jake walked over to her already shaking, he didn't know why this was happening now since it never happened to him when chatting up girls.

"Hey" jake said as he did his jake gyllenhaal smile, the woman looked to the side and saw jake.

"Oh wow hi" she said with her red lip smile, "I'm jake" he said with a smile knowing she isn't scary helped him boost his confidence up a bit.

"Hi jake I'm Riot" she smiled, "oh she's riot" he thought to himself

"Don't worry that's not my actual name" she said as she crossed her arms, he didn't realize he made a facial expression when she said her name.

Her outfit was something unique than the other folks around here, riot wore a black floral kimono with a black romper and black tights.

"What is your actual name?" He asked as he chuckled lightly, "can't say yet" she said looking up since he was much taller than her.

"Your daughter is friends with my brother" she said nodding to the direction, jake turned around seeing romona doing the twist with a boy.

"Oh she's not my daughter she's my niece" he chuckled, "that's nice" riot said as she pursed her lips

"I'm guessing you're friends with Zach and his pact" she said nodding again to the direction, jake turned around seeing Michael walking towards them.

Michael was apart of Zach pact, Michael had shaggy hair and looked homeless most of the time.

"Jake wanna join me to the food stand?" Michael said as he eyed jake which meant jake should say yes, "sure" jake replied.

"It was nice meeting you riot" jake smiled, "oh same" she replied as she went back to focusing on the band.

"Dude don't mess with riot" Michael chuckled, "why?" He asked confused by that statement since riot seemed normal.

"She's fucking crazy" Michael chuckled, "she seemed fine" jake replied

"That's how she catches you" Michael said as they walked to get snacks

Jake turned around seeing romona chatting with riot, jake saw how riot was towards kids she was just like them.

Jake sat down munching on his kettle corn as he watched riot dance around with romona and her brother, he loved how riot twirled around like a princess after her dress was changed.

Jake chuckled as once the song was over riot and romona both fell on the ground with flowers in their hairs.

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