Garden party

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Jake admired riot as she chatted to some people, he loved her smile and her laugh.

Jake came from behind and smiled when she turned her head around to look at him. She gave him a quick kiss on his lips, he could taste the drink she had.

"Jake this is my best friend becca and her husband Isaac " riot smiled, "oh jake gyllenhaal hello" becca smirked.

"Riot always had a crush on you since sophomore year of high school" becca smiled, "oh really?" Jake asked as he raise an eyebrow.

"It wasn't big" riot said as she blushed, "it was huge she wouldn't date anyone for two years because she wanted to find someone like you" becca laughed.

"Oh hush you did the same with Leonard dicaprio" riot said as she pushed very lightly on beccas arm.

"Yeah we were a bit crazy but hey you ended up with the man" becca smiled, "it's the first time I've seen you this happy with a guy" becca added.

"Thank you" riot smiled, "look at our men chatting up" becca said looking at jake and Isaac going into a deep conversation.

"Let's get cake" riot said, "riot are you serious?" Becca asked. "What about cake?" Riot joked, "no you and jake" she said.

"He's leaving soon and I doubt he wants us serious" riot said as she cut the cake, "but you love him" becca said.

"Love is just a hormonal phase we go through" riot replied, "whatever you say" becca shrugged.

"Here you go" riot said as she handed becca the cake slice,"riot can you cut me a piece?" Jake asked as he kissed her head.

"Sure thing" riot smiled, jake looked at becca who had a strange look on her face.

"Have you guys said I love you yet?" Becca asked which caused riots eyes to widen, "no not yet" jake replied.

"When are you leaving?" Becca asked, "in three weeks" jake said sadly which by his words made riot stop cutting the cake.

"That fast?" Becca asked, "I've just met you" becca added.

"Babe more of your friends came" Isaac said as he came to kiss her on her forehead, "alright babe" she smiled romantically at him.

Jake admired riot in a dark grey slip dress with a black kimono over it, she looked very beautiful which made jakes heart skip a beat.

"You're beautiful" jake smiled, riot stared at him then kissed him on his lips. Jake was the only person to ever call her beautiful which she loved so much.

"You're sweet" riot smiled as she still held him, "do you want to stay over at my sisters place?" Jake asked.

"Sure I don't mind" riot grinned.

"Want a cupcake?" Riot asked picking up a vanilla with light pink frosting cupcake from the counter without jake letting her go.

"Sure gimme" jake smiled, riot moved the cupcake to jakes face as he took a bite of the cupcake, riot then dipped the frosting on his nose which caused her to giggle like a child.

"What was that for?" Jake asked with a chuckle, "you look cute" riot smiled as she reached her finger to his nose and wiped the frosting off.

"Is the frosting good?" Riot asked as she licked her fingertips from the frosting, "delicious" jake grinned.

"guys come on!" Becca said as she brought them to the table

"Okay guys I have an announcement" becca said as she got up, "I'm pregnant" becca smiled which made everyone cheer.

"How much?" Paula asked, "it's 2 weeks" becca grinned.

"There's going to be a little becca and Isaac running around this town" foebe smiled, "this is great" riot smiled.

"How about you riot are you getting married to big actor?" Sarah asked as she drank her punch, "oh no we're still too early for that" riot said awkwardly.

"Cheers for becca and issac" riot said as she raised her glass, "cheers" they all said.

"Jake thank you for being here" becca said, "no it's my pleasure" jake smiled.

"You're perfect jake" riot said as she kissed him, the sound of oo's filled the table as they watched riot kiss jake.

"Alright let's eat" Shawn who is Paula's husband said.

"Lets" jake smiled

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