8. Just the time

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Jake walked with riot as they held hands together, they look so happy and cheerful. They've been together for a week now.

Riot knew jake was leaving in a couple of weeks so they had to make the most of it.

Riot was in her black turtleneck and black leggings with Chelsea boots while jake wore a black sweater with black jeans and his favorite sneakers.

"You're so cute" jake said as he pulled her towards him for a kiss, "thank you" she smiled in the kiss.

"Jake want to hang out with me tonight?" Emmy asked as he winked.

"No thanks Emmy" jake said as he rolled his eyes, jake brought her closer in his arms as the scent of her vanilla perfume and his strong yet comfortable cologne mixed together.

"Lunch was nice with them" riot said as she swigged their hands, "yeah especially the fact that the girls love you"jake smiled sweetly.

Riot put her hands under his sweater feeling his skin, "you really like doing that?" Jake asked as he shivers from her cold hands.

"It's fun" she giggles softly, "I like your body heat" she added.

Riot and jake sat down on the green grass with her head on his lap

"I have a question for you" riot said, "ask away" jake smiled.

"I can see up your nose" riot giggled, "you're such a kid" jake laughed.

"It's fine you're clean" she said which made him laugh even more.

"Alright ask me the question" jake said

"Why'd you come here?" She asked, "you asked me to take a walk" jake laughed. "No silly I meant coming to this town" riot smiled, "I told you a normal life for the nieces" jake replied with a chuckle.

"That's why peter came what's yours?" She asked, "i got tired" jake sighed. "Tired?" She asked confused which made her sit up, "why tired?" She asked again.

"Dating models to actresses to singers I've dated them too much" jake said, "I realized I was madly in love with this girl and" jake said then realizing what he said he quickly cut off the sentence.

"Oh" riot said, "you're not mad?" Jake asked.

"I cannot be mad for what the heart desires" she said quietly, "are you still in love with her?" She asked.

"I don't know" jake said remembering the girl, "oh good thing were just a fling then" riot said trying to hide her pain.

"A fling?" Jake asked confused by that statement, "I'm here for a month then you'll be with her the next" she said as she got up.

"What no" jake said holding her hand, "jake I'm not mad" riot sighed.

"Riot come on" jake said hushed as he stared at her brown eyes.

"Let's go get lunch" jake said as he got up, "alright" riot smiled.

Jake and riot sat in the cafe, riot stared at jake as he looked through the menu.

"What's good here?" Jake asked, "the sandwiches are amazing" riot smiled.

"Jake can I ask you something?" Riot asked, "sure" he smiled.

"Since you're famous why isn't there any paps surrounding you?" She asked, "I'm famous but they really don't care what I do since I'm not an 18 year old pop singer" jake replied.

"You're old" riot grinned, "how old are you?" Jake asked.

"21" she replied

"You're young riot" jake said surprised, "that's what you like jake" riot smirked.

"Alright alright let's eat" jake said with a grin

"Your smile is nice" riot said with a small smile, "thanks" jake smiled

Riot thought about jake leaving her which caused her to frown.

"Why are you so sad?" Jake asked with a mouthful of sandwich.

"Just the fact that you're leaving us in a couple of weeks" riot sighed.

"We're spending time together that's all it matters" jake said as he placed his hand on her hand.

"Yes that is" riot smiled by his touch.

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