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Hi Minju!!

I hope you had a good day!

You can always talk to me if you want to. Good night!

Good morning~ Here's a nice song to wake up to. OCEAN - OoOo, Chukido

I hope you ate well today. It's almost end-term exams so let me know if you need help with any subjects.

Doyoung never stopped texting Minju. He just talked about anything, even trivial things, even memes, songs,... She smiled every time his texts came.

Minju just didn't know how to talk to Doyoung again. She didn't want to make Doyoung feel like a fallback after she moved on from Asahi.

In fact, from the beginning, it had always been Doyoung who made her happy.

- Today I did so well on my test. It was as easy as being ignored by you hahahahah

- no... you're not ignored - Minju replied his text one night.

- So you finally replied.

- Why are you so persistent?

- I am ignored, not rejected. I go for what I want.

- Doyoung... can I ask you to do something for me?

- Yes?

- Please... delete our conversation.

A long pause.

-... Why?

- I don't want you to keep on texting me like this... I want to talk to you like normal.

Another long pause.

- ... Okay. I understand. From now on, I won't bother you like this any more.

- I'll see you tomorrow at the soccer field. I'll return your umbrella.

- Okay. Good night, for the last time :)

- Good night, Doyoung.

Looking back at their conversation, it all started with Minju texting this "fake" Asahi, they sent messages everyday until Minju found out it was Doyoung, and it got weird, then at some point Doyoung began to text Minju again, everyday, without any responses, until that night.

They swiped left on the conversation, and pressed on the red Delete button.

All gone.


The next day, Minju followed Yedam after class. Yedam was surprised. He was going to the soccer practice.

- You're coming??? It's been so long, why did you decide to come again?
-Because I need to see someone there!

Yedam looked at her suspiciously. He was obviously excited to have her come along again and he didn't need to ask her more. Minju chuckled at Yedam happily singing a tune with his godly vocal, not knowing what would happen next. Gosh he could have been the best vocal in the music club if he hadn't chosen soccer.

Doyoung was tying his shoelaces when he heard Yedam's greetings. He looked up. Doyoung didn't manage to say hi when the boys already yelled.

- aaaa Minju is back??

- Minju you came??

The team came over. They surrounded her like seeing an old friend. Still catching up with the boys, she looked at Doyoung who was fidgeting. He looked down when he saw her peeking at him. (He was such a puppy >.<)

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