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After the first set of the match, they were all having a break as Sakiguchi was going through his gallery.

"Sakiguchi-san." The said male turned towards the voice and saw that Sawamura had gestured him over to the team. "As you all know, he'll be our photographer for the rest of the year." He started. "Introduce yourselves before we continue with the second set!" He turned towards his friend. "Suga."

"I'm Sugawara Koushi, a third year and the vice-captain of the team. Nice to meet you!" Sugawara gave a bright smile which Sakiguchi nodded.

"Second years!"

"I'm Tanaka Ryunosuke!"

"Ennoshita Chikara."

"Kinoshita Hisashi."

"Narita Kazuhito."

Sakiguchi nodded his head before turning towards the last four.

"Hello, I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi."

"Tsukishima Kei."

"Kageyama Tobio."

"Hello! I'm Hinata Shoyo! How tall are you?!"

The third year only blinked at the orange head before answering. "I'm 193. Why?"

"So tall!"

"He's even taller than Tsukki!" Yamaguchi exclaimed which Tsukishima only deadpanned. "Shut up, Yamaguchi." "Sorry, Tsukki!"

"Well, I'm Sakiguchi Ryota, as you've probably know." He started. "Like your captain has mentioned, I'll be in charge of taking your photos for the rest of the year and I'll most probably follow you to your training matches and games. Just ignore me and do what you usually do. It's the best way to take a picture." He explained before feeling some stares on him. He turned towards the person and noticed it was Kageyama.

"Yes? Is there a question?" He tilted his head slightly as everyone turned towards the first year. "Um! Sakiguchi-san! Are you from Kitagawa Daiichi as well?"

"Yes, I am. You looked familiar, have we met before?"

"Yes! You helped me back when I was a first year!" Kageyama explained as Sakiguchi wrecked through his memory lane before a sudden realisation hit him. "Oh." He looked towards the first year, "You're that milk boy from the vending machine. You look so different when you were a first year."

The rest of the team tries to hold in their laughter at the nickname as Kageyama slightly blushed. "T-there's that too... But it was another thing!" Sakiguchi recalls one again before remembering that he and a friend scolded their friend when Kageyama was only asking for advice. "Ahh. I met you when I was waiting for my friends."

He nodded his head, "Thank you!" The third year was confused. "I don't see why you need to thank me. He deserves it." Everyone could only looked between the two curiously as to what they were saying before Sawamura clears his throat. "Well, enough break. Let's continue with the second set!"


In the end, Hinata and Kageyama's team had won the second set as well. Sakiguchi watched the two first years who were sprawled on the ground and he could only let out a cold sweat. Those tosses and spikes are scary and tiring as always.

As Sakiguchi was going through his photos once again, he slightly jumped at the sudden shouts from Kageyama and Hinata who called for their captain. They gave him their application forms before Sawamura called out to Shimizu for some stuff.

Later, she brought a box towards the first years and when she opened it, Kageyama and Hinata looked at it in excitement. Hinata took out a black clothing and was looking at it in amazement.

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