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slightly long chapter ahead~

not really part of the story but oh well

imma just leave it here :)))

Sakiguchi Hitomi was just casually watching television as usual when she heard the doorbell. Curious as to who was ringing it late in the evening, she went towards the door and peek through the hole.

There stood a childhood friend of Sakiguchi Ryota, Hoshino Jun.

Hitomi quickly opened the door as she was surprised to see the male. "Jun-kun, what brings you here this late?"

"Is Ryo-kun home?" He asked, knowing that sometimes the volleyball club tend to stay until late.

"Of course. Come inside first." Hitomi gestured him, which he bowed in thanks. Seeing the down casted look on his face, the woman couldn't help but wonder what happened.

"Ryota is in his room. You know where it is." She told him and he nodded, heading straight upstairs.

"Did something happen?" Hitomi mumbled to herself before heading back to the living room to continue with her show.

Meanwhile, Sakiguchi was supposed to edit some pictures but he was too tired which made him decide to get some shut eye, therefore not noticing that someone has entered his room.

Hoshino looked at his friend who was sleeping in front of his computer and couldn't help but sighed. He thought he could tell him his worries but seeing that Sakiguchi was asleep, he decided to just crash his place.

Hoshino took the blanket from Sakiguchi's bed and placed it on the said male's back. He didn't want his friend to catch a cold, you know.

Luckily, it was Sunday.

So Sakiguchi didn't have to be late for school again.

When the tired male groggily woke up from his so-called 'nap', he realised that he was wrapped with his blanket.

'Did Mom came in?' He thought to himself while rubbing his eyes tiredly. When he stretched from his posture, he noticed a figure from his side view and noticed that his childhood friend was sleeping on his bed, without any cover.

Sakiguchi was stunned to see him and quickly went over the bed and shook his friend awake.

"Oi. Wake up. When did you enter my room?"

Hoshino tiredly opened his eyes and saw Sakiguchi looking at him with his usual blank look.

Seeing his friend, Hoshino started to tear up which shocked the blue-eyed male.

"Ryo-kun...!" Hoshino quickly sat up and went to hug his friend while crying. "Ryo-kun...!"

"H-hey! Get off of me! And since when were you a crybaby?!" Sakiguchi exclaimed while trying to pry his friend off. It's still too early to deal with his shit.

"But you always say I'm a crybaby!"

"That was when we were young!"

"Waa! Ryo-kun...!"

"Shut up!"


That's right. Sakiguchi had just hit his crying friend on his head.

Hoshino reluctantly let go of the hug and sat on the bed while Sakiguchi sighed and plopped down next to him.

"Have you calmed down?"

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