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Sakiguchi was just leaving the third years' hallway to go to his club when he saw two first years walking along the hallway.

"Hinata, Kageyama, what are you doing in the third years' hallway?" The duo jumped at the voice before turning around and sparkled at the sight of their senior.



The said third year walked towards them and slightly ruffled their hairs, which didn't go unnoticed by the other third years. "Hey." Every third years who saw this action was baffled.

"We're looking for Asahi-san!" Hinata exclaimed. "Do you know which class he's in?"

"Sorry guys. I don't know any 'Asahi'." Sakiguchi replied with a sweat dropped which slightly sadden the tangerine. "Oh, but I did saw Sugawara-san heading into Class 3. Maybe you could find him there and ask him for help."

"Thank you!"

"No problem. Then I'll be going first." Sakiguchi waved to the two which Hinata waved back excitedly while Kageyama only nodded.

Then they saw someone slung their arm around Sakiguchi's shoulders with a bright smile on their face. Sakiguchi was trying to push them away as they kept teasing the third year.

"I've never seen senpai this close to someone!" Hinata awed, which only earn a jabbed by Kageyama. "Don't be rude!"

Back to Sakiguchi, his friend, Hoshino was the one who has been teasing him. "Are they from the volleyball club? I didn't think you would be so close to them other than me."

"Stop it. I'm not that close." He replied but Hoshino only shook his head. "No, no. I saw what you did earlier. In fact, I think all the third years did."

Sakiguchi looked at his friend in confusion. "What did I do?" Hoshino widened his eyes before grinning at him. "You ruffled their hairs! No one has ever seen you this affectionate!"

The blue-eyed male stopped in his tracks which made Hoshino stopped as well. "They remind of Ritsu. Especially Hinata."

Hoshino's mouth was slightly open before he closed it back and patted his friend's shoulder. "Ice cream after school! My treat!"

"Huh? But—"

"My treat!" Sakiguchi looked at his friend's determined yet slightly teared up eyes. He sighed before slapping his friend's arm's softly. "Why are you the one who's about to cry?"

Hoshino only grinned before dragging his friend to the cafeteria before going to their club. Sakiguchi shakes his head before slightly smiling at his friend who was walking in front of him.

"Thank you."

"Hm?" When Hoshino turned his head, Sakiguchi went back to his usual blank look. "Nothing." His friend only pouted.


"Shimizu, could you go get Sakiguchi-san? He's probably in the Photography Club." Sawamura called out to the manager who nodded.

Apparently, Takeda had brought someone saying that he'll be the coach until the match against Nekoma High School from Tokyo during the Golden Week Training Camp.

The coach, known as Ukai Keishin, had arranged a match with the Karasuno Neighbourhood Association Team at 6:30p.m. so that he'll be able to see what the team got up their sleeves.

And right now, Shimizu headed towards the Photography Club, hopefully to find Sakiguchi there.

As she was about to knock on the door, the door was opened from the inside as she saw two first years stood there.

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