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It was Friday and still the Golden Week. The rest of the photography club had already left the Sakiguchi household before noon.

Surprisingly, Mrs. Sakiguchi didn't have to go to work today. Usually, even though there's the Golden Week, she would have to work, but now she was just chilling in her living room while putting on a face mask. Sakiguchi was surprised as well when he saw his mother just chilling on the couch.

"You don't have work today, Mom?" He asked which she just shook her head. "The boss let us have the rest of the week off. Which is great! Finally!"

Sakiguchi only smiled a little at his mother's behaviour as he went to the kitchen. When he opened the fridge, he noticed that there wasn't much food left.

"I'm going out to stock up our fridge." He told her as he went to grab his wallet and phone.

"Sure thing, sweetie."

Just as he was about to leave the house, he heard his mother shouted for him to buy more ice cream. Sakiguchi only sighed at her needs but he just nodded his head anyway. His mother always has a sweet tooth and there's always a shelf full of chocolates and any other sweets.

As Sakiguchi was walking along the streets to the convenient store, he saw a mob of orange hair chatting with another person by the pathway.

Realising that someone was staring at them, Hinata looked up and saw his senior a few feet away. "Sakiguchi-senpai!" Hinata waved his hand excitedly which the said male waved back softly while walking towards the two.

"Hinata, what are you doing here?" Sakiguchi asked before he switched his gaze towards the stranger. "And who's this?"

"This is Kozume Kenma! A second year! He plays volleyball too!" Hinata beamed which the stranger, known as Kenma, nodded his head. Sakiguchi doing the same. "Kenma! This is Sakiguchi Ryota! He's a third year and he takes photo!"

The two of them just greeted each other by nodding their heads.

"You haven't answered my question yet, Hinata." Sakiguchi said with a sweat dropped.

"Oh!" Hinata soon chuckled softly in embarrassment. "We were running as a warm up and I ended up getting lost."

"You guys have practice?" The third year muttered. "Sorry I couldn't come."

"It's okay, senpai! You can come by anytime! Oh right! We're going to have a practice match with a school from Tokyo!" Hinata informed.

"I see. Then I'll come by later when I have time. Here," Sakiguchi soon fished out his phone. "Type in your number so I can contact you. I realised I don't have any of your contacts."

"Okay!" Hinata took the phone and once he finished typing his number, he gave it back to his owner which Sakiguchi thanked him.

"Well, I have to go now. Need to do some grocery shopping." Sakiguchi said as put his phone back into his pocket. "I'll see you soon, Hinata. You too, Kozume."

"See you, senpai!" Hinata waved at the retreating figure as Kenma only stared at his back. He's even taller than Kuroo.


It was night time and Sakiguchi was reading a horror book while listening to some songs when he felt his phone vibrated. Putting the bookmark at where he stopped at, he reached for his phone and saw that Hinata messaged him.

"'A training match with Nekoma on Sunday'?" The teen read out the message. Did Hinata realise that Kozume was from Nekoma? He thought before typing out an 'okay' back to the first year.

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