Kell's POV
I say "ooo, girl, are we twinning?" She says "I like it" looking at her nails and I say "they look cute" and she nods saying "thank you" and I say "you're welcome" hugging her. We pull away and she says "can we watch a movie?" I say "sure, what do you wanna watch?" She says "I don't know, Ratatouille?" I say "deal" and she says "why do I wanna watch Ratatouille? No clue, dad, no clue" and we chuckle and I say "I've been watching Phineas and Ferb, it's not weird" and she says "that's a bit weird" chuckling and I say "maybe" chuckling. We watch a movie and then when it's finished it's time to go to this meeting and I say "let me change" and she says "you're so slow" and I chuckle saying "five minutes" and I put jeans, a muscle tee, leather jacket and converse on. I say "how many was that?" She says "six" and I put my pocket knife in my pocket and my lighter and I say "no it wasn't, it was four" and we chuckle. We go to the school and she says "don't embarrass me" and I say "dude, when have I done that?" She says "never but don't start now" and we get there and I say "what do you want me to do?" She says "don't date my teachers" and I say "I wasn't planning on it, that would be weird and I'd lose a lot of cool dad points" and she says "you have no cool dad points" and I say "then I'd be needing to get some to get back to zero." We chuckle and we start walking in and I mumble "this is gonna suck, isn't it?" She says "moms gonna be here so it's not gonna be that bad" and I say "ok, then it might not be too terrible" and we go in and there are adults everywhere and yes, all the guys wives are staring at me. I mumble "great" and Casie mumbles "kill me now" and I pull my phone out and I text Sam saying:
Me: I'm at this meeting with my daughters teachers and all the people that are here are staring at me
Sam: they just think you're hot xx
Me: but I hate it x
Sam: I get it, I get it all the time as I walk around in public, you get used to it xx
Me: ok, if you can do it, I can do it xx
Sam: yes, yes you can xx
I chuckle and I put my phone away and Casie mumbles "those are my friends, the girl with the really long hair is a bitch, don't talk to her if you can help it." I nod and they come over and I say "just call me if you need me" and I go around to each room to talk to my kids teachers plus all these kids are middle schoolers like I gotta deal with middle school assholes. The answer it yes. I sit down with this math teacher and try not to murder anyone cause just looking at her drives me insane. She says "hi" and I say "hey" and she says "so, to put it simply, Casie is doing her work but she talks back all the time" and I say "if she gets her work done, it doesn't matter does it?" She says "that's not entirely how it works, you have to behave at school" and I say "school is for making mistakes while you're young and graduating so you can go onto do more things. These kids are teenagers, they have feelings that they don't know what they should do about it, they lash out, they do whatever cause they are just figuring their life out as they should in middle school." She says "well, that's not how it works, you have to discipline your kid or she's not going to listen to anyone" and I say "no, she knows what's right and wrong, you should've had me as a student and you would think she's literally god. She knows what she's doing so maybe it's your problem not hers, all teachers have a breaking point and it always is on one of their students, how about we make a deal?" She says "what is this deal you speak of?" She's talking to me like I'm five. I say "how about you stop talking about my kid 'acting out' and when she throws a chair or gets suspended you can call me then?" She tries to say something and I say "yeah, they're kids, they're going to see how far they can go before they get in trouble, were you not a kid before? Based on this conversation, probably not, I see why I almost dropped out" rolling my eyes and I leave the room and Elena says "how'd it go?" I say "almost threw a god damn chair" and Casie and her friends chuckle and I say "I see why I almost dropped out, my god, she really does suck" and Casie says "I told you." I say "I wasn't trying to reason with you, I was assuming she sucked" and Elena says "well, you have three more to talk to" and I say "one's in love with me, what are the other ones like?" Cassie says "average, they're nice" and one of her friends say "they're totally together" and we chuckle and Casie says "it's not confirmed but I ship it" and they all nod in agreement and I chuckle saying "ok, I think I can do this then. You going?" Elena thinks for a second and shakes her head no and I say "alright, wish me luck" and I go into the next room and I sit down and the woman says "oh my god, hi, lovely to meet you" and I say "hey, lovely to meet you too" smiling. This is the girl that's obsessed with me. She says "your daughter is amazing, so sweet, does all her work, by the looks of it she's going to be on honor roll all year if she keeps it up" and I say "sounds like her mom" and she shyly says "are you guys still together?" I say "no" looking up then I look back at her and she says "call me then" handing me a sticky note and I put it in my front pocket and I leave and Casie says "how's it go?" I say "better than I thought it would, do you have a piece of paper?" One of her friends hand me a piece of paper and I pull a pen out of my pocket and I sign the paper and I fold it up and go in and put it on her desk then I leave the room and I go onto the third room out of four.

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