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Tommy fucking Innit was fine,
He was fine. Sure, he may have started to stream a little less, and sure maybe he posted a couple videos less, and sure! Maybe he wants that active in VC's anymore, and maybe he was a little tried more often. But that was fine! Perfectly fine.

He's sixteen, it's fine, he can deal with some screaming matches every (night) now and then! And maybe he had to go a couple day break because the screaming wouldn't stop.

But that's fine.
He's fine.

(What happened?)
(Why don't they love each-other anymore?)

Sure, maybe he caught his mother taking down  the family photo taken back in 2016, but that was fine! It was a old photo anyway, it doesn't matter.


He's.. fine.

He's fine.

(But why did everything have to change? Why did the hushed fights after dinner become loud arguments during breakfast? Why was there so much tension in a room with the two people who were supposed to love each-other? It didn't make any sense.)

The blonde sat down on his bed, he was supposed to stream a hour earlier, but he couldn't bring him self too.

(It's not like he could anyway, the screaming had started up again)

So he canceled on Wilbur, it was supposed to be a SBI stream. Playing Minecraft or something like that, he couldn't quite remember. The fog in his mind clogging his previous thoughts. Bags were under his eyes from sleep less nights,


He was fine, he still took care of himself, he still showered and ate (maybe a little less but he still ate never less), everything was just tiring. He was sick of hearing screaming every day. He just wanted to sleep.

He was just,



So very tried.

This was the 3rd time he cancelled a stream in the past two 2 weeks, he could tell people were a bit frustrated with him.

It wasn't his fault.

He couldn't stream it there was yelling in the back could he? He couldn't just start stream and be like;

'So yeah! Sorry for the screaming boys, mother and father Innit just hate each others guts now! Lmao!'

He couldn't do that.

He just wanted things to be normal.

No screaming.


He was fine.

His parents weren't even mad at him! That was the thing, sure they didn't talk that much anymore, sure! They only brought him into a cover-station when one of them had to prove a point during a disagreement (fight).

Hush arguments be-hide close doors ||TommyInnit AngstWhere stories live. Discover now