Ash x eiji 🥲

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Repeat after me reader: I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry....
~ tw eating disorder, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, rape, self harm


I never actually knew what it was like to be loved or to feel love until i met eiji. Sometimes I regret meeting him because I brought him into my kinda lifestyle.  I feel like I would be better off not alive , maybe I deserved what Dino did to me? After all I have never done anything good in my life, all I do is drag people down with me, shorter is gone and so is skipper. I wish I could see them once again, I was always so blunt towards them I never got to tell them that I loved them, they were my family. I feel so worthless and weak to the point where I don't feel like I deserve something as little as food. I can't even sleep due to flashbacks of my childhood, the childhood I never had, I was raped and used until I felt numb, physically and mentally. I contemplate  suicide very often and I've almost tried to attempt but one person stopped me and it was eiji. He doesn't know it yet but he saved me, when I look at him I feel at ease, he lets me cry and laugh and be myself, I love eiji but I'm not sure he loves me back. Who would love me anyway, I don't even love myself.

Eiji POV

I feel so sorry for ash. He's been through so much, he doesn't realise it but he's strong, stronger than most people in this world. I'm going over to his apartment now because bones told me he hasn't been eating or sleeping at all. I don't mind taking care of ash, it makes me feel happy when he opens up to me or when he cries in my arms because it shows he trusts me. I made some shrimp and avocado salad ( his favourite food ). I hope he likes it!


I hear a knock on my door, it's eiji, what is he doing here? I didn't invite him over. I was glad to see him though, my heart felt warm I couldn't help but smile. I immediately jump into his arms, I know this isn't like me but i needed it. While he was walking in ( with me still in his arms ) I saw a bag, I asked him what was in it " shrimp and avocado salad" he said. I grinned because of his thoughtfulness but soon after I frowned, I couldn't eat this.....

Eiji POV

Ash jumped into my arms like a baby I was surprised but relieved that he was glad to see me. Ash looked beautiful but I noticed he was weak and thin. When he asked me what was in the bag he smiled but soon after he frowned. I took the meal out of the bag and gave it to him, he didn't take it. He said he had already eaten (which was a lie), so I told him that he needs to eat. I gave him a whole lecture talking about how important it is to eat but he still didn't want to eat. I asked him why and he said it's because he doesn't deserve it? I had to come up with a plan to make him eat or else he would get sent to the hospital ( which is the last place he wants to be ).


Eiji looked so sad. So I gave in I told him I would have two spoonfuls of his food if it I'll make him happy but on one condition. He had to feed me and spend the night at my place. Of course he agreed to this and began to feed me my favourite food. After two spoonfuls he gave my a hug and said he was proud of me. I almost bursted into tears, nobody has ever told me this before, it felt magical.

Eiji POV

Me and ash spent the night talking and watching movies, ( his favourite was spirited away ). At around 1am I started to drift to sleep.

~ Time skip to 3:30 am

I woke up with no ash by my side, I smelt something foul and heard noises from the bathroom. Was it ash? It sounds like vomiting. I rush to the bathroom and saw a mixture of vomit and blood on the floor. "Ash" I screamed, he was sitting on the bathroom floor with his head bowed down towards the toilet and his wrists were bleeding.  I didn't know what to do so I froze. Should I call an ambulance? I go to grab my phone but ash stops me. He said he didn't want to go to the hospital because they wouldn't treat him well. He asked me to go home but I refused. I was worried, scared and anxious. The cuts weren't too deep but we're still bleeding quite a lot so I took of my shirt and wrapped his arm with it. Next I asked ash if he could stand, he tried to but he failed so I picked him up and took him to the bedroom. I lay him down and get him some water, as I re-enter the bedroom I notice that the t-shirt I wrapped around his arm fell off. I looked at his wrists and saw 'slut'. Ash had carved the word slut into his right wrist.


A slut that was what I was. It was what Dino repeatedly told me over and over. I woke up at 3 am crying because I had a nightmare, I slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom, I took the blade out of the drawer and carved the word onto my wrists. Then another flashback happened, it made me feel sick to my stomach. I vomited. All over myself and on the floor. As I was about to pass out I heard the door open, it was eiji.

Eiji POV 

After I saw his wrist I had no words. I just got on the bed and hugged him. As he was dozing off he mumbled something to me " I'm sorry". I couldn't sleep so I stayed up for the rest of the morning until ash woke up.


I woke up to the smell of a nice breakfast. Eiji had made pancakes. I excitedly jumped out of bed and then it hit me. The terrible memories of last night hit me. I make my way to the kitchen with my head bowed, eiji greeted me with a warm smile and told me to sit down. I was surprised, doesn't he find me disgusting? We sit in silence as I slowly ate my breakfast, it was hard to eat it all but eiji encouraged me all the way. When I finished my breakfast eiji looked me in the eyes and said we need to talk.

Eiji pov

I told ash that we needed to talk. I told him that he could tell me anything he wanted to and that I wouldn't judge him. At first he was skeptical but as the time passed he started to get more comfortable talking to me. Ash talked for hours and many tears where shed. After we had our little talk we made a few rules for ourselves

1. I promise to talk to eiji whenever I'm sad or down
2.  I Promise to never hurt myself or say anything bad about myself because I am perfect. ( eiji made that rule)
3. I promise to not keep secrets.


It was getting late so I told eiji I was tired. He carried me to bed like a princess. As we were laying down he told me that he loved me and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I told him that I loved him back and I promise to never leave him. Before I could say another word eiji grabbed my face and kissed me, it felt amazing, I couldn't help but blush after that. We both drifted to sleep in each other's arms. Me being the little spoon obviously. Unlike most nights I felt safe and I had a good nights sleep. I didn't have a nightmare or a bad dream. It was perfect.
It was the best day of my life.

6 months later


Me and eiji are in a relationship. It's perfect. We both live in Japan together and I have a job, I work in a modelling agency now and im not associated in any form of gang. I feel free. My eating and sleeping has improved, although I did self harm once again. I still have shitty days but eiji is always there for me through every step of the way. I love him so much.
(1493 words)

I hope u liked my story 🥲
I definitely wasn't in tears while writhing this.
What ships would u like next 😃

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