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Sabrina touched the ring one last time, fingertip trailing over the delicate silver leaves branching out from the thin gold band, tracing a pattern she knew as intimately as her own skin. This was it, and while she didn't relish what she had to do, it was now or never.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she crouched down in front of her daughter.

"Listen closely," she said softly to the toddler. "I need you to do as I say. I'll explain everything later, but right now, we have to leave. It's not safe for you here anymore."

Her daughter gazed at her with grey eyes disconcerting for their seriousness, then gave a single, slow nod.

Sabrina closed her eyes, searching for something known only to her, then after a moment, she blinked her eyes open and pressed her lips into a thin line.

"It's time," she said.

Rising to her feet, she took one last look around the halls that had been her home for the past three years, her heart aching both over what she was leaving behind, as well as what she was taking away. Straightening her shoulders, she adjusted her red velvet cloak, picked up her child, then walked quickly down the corridor, her steps light on the cold stone floor.

After a few twists and turns, she strode through the jagged mouth of the cave and emerged into the clearing, the black of night preparing to give way to dawn at any moment. Summoning her courage once again, she stepped from the stone floor onto the pine needle-covered ground, relieved she could still sense the direction she needed to go.

The direction home.

Hugging her daughter closer, Sabrina took another step forward just as a deep voice called out behind her: "Going somewhere?"

Spinning around as her heart leapt to her throat, Sabrina locked eyes with the Waldkonig, or Forest King. After so long with him, she could see the edges of the glamour he wore, the woven strands of light fraying just enough to offer a glimpse of the sickness concealed underneath.

"I know what you mean to use her for," Sabrina said. "And I won't let you."

"I'm afraid that's not your decision to make," he replied smoothly.

"I will fight my way out, if I must," warned Sabrina.

One side of the Waldkonig's mouth rose in a disbelieving smile, and she extended her hand, firing a burst of light that caused him to curse and leap to one side. The ground rolled beneath her feet, and Sabrina took off running, refusing to look behind her. She had to get her daughter to safety.

Unfortunately, she'd only managed to sprint a few yards when a tree root sprang up from the ground and wrapped around her ankle, causing her to fall. The impact knocked her daughter from her arms, and the child rolled a few feet before pushing herself up into a sitting position.

"Mama!" she shrieked as Sabrina directed a breaking spell at the root and blasted it into splinters before crawling forward to comfort the terrified girl.

Sensing Kobald's approach, Sabrina quickly pushed herself to her feet, standing defiantly between the girl and the ancient forest entity.

"She's not going anywhere!" snarled the Forest King. The sharp tines of his large gold and silver crown glinted wickedly in the first rays of early morning light. "She belongs to me!"

Vines rose from the ground, thick and green, barbed thorns dripping with poison, and they snaked towards Sabrina, wrapping around her arms and legs as she struggled, screaming when the thorns pierced her skin.

"Mama, no!" shouted the child, toddling forward and placing a small hand against the ground. She was barely aware of her power, much less skilled at directing it, but she focused on one of the vines and commanded it to stop hurting her mother.

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