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Katja was never sure what was worse—waking up on her birthday with a twinge of excitement in her stomach, a belief that this year something would be different, only to find her hopes dashed as the day progressed, or to wake up feeling nothing, secure in the knowledge this was a day just like any other and not the least bit special to anyone, including herself.

Today, on her seventeenth birthday, she awoke to a stomach full of butterflies, not-so-secretly wishing something exciting would happen. She stretched and pushed herself into a sitting position, then reached for her robe, blinking her eyes in the early morning light and listening to see if Wolf was stirring yet.

"Good morning!" he called from his mattress on the other side of the wooden screen. "And happy birthday!"

Katja could hear bedding being pushed aside, so she quickly stood up and slipped on her robe, tying it tightly around her waist.

"Good morning," she replied, her voice still scratchy with sleep, causing her to clear her throat in embarrassment. "And, thank you."

She didn't mind taking her clothes to the bathroom every day and dressing there, but she wasn't sure she would ever get used to the sound of a boy's voice coming from across the room first thing in the morning.

Wolf suddenly strode around the corner of the wooden screen, still in human-form, his clothes rumpled from sleep and his brown hair sticking up in places. A broad grin spread over his face, and he was obviously holding something behind his back as he walked over to stand in front of her.

"It's not finished yet," he warned, "but it will be, soon."

He extended his hands, and Katja looked down at a package wrapped in brown paper. Her heart thudded so loudly, it was a wonder Wolf didn't hear it, given his heightened senses. Or perhaps he did but was too polite to say anything.

Katja swallowed, her eyes still on the wrapped package. "I didn't...I mean, you didn't have to buy me anything."

"Everyone deserves at least one present on their birthday," admonished Wolf. "But if it makes you feel better, I didn't buy it. I made it."

He offered Katja the package, and she took it, hoping he didn't notice the slight tremor of—something—that caused her hands to shake.

She focused on untying the string, then blinked in confusion as she pulled back an edge of the wrapping paper, revealing the green cloth cover of a book...the same book she had acquired a few months ago for Wolf to use as his journal.

"Read the first page," urged Wolf, practically bouncing up and down in his excitement. Katja did as instructed, and there, written in bold, loopy handwriting, were the words: "Tales from the Black Forest."

She glanced up at Wolf. "You made this?"

He grinned. "Remember when I said I wanted a journal?"

She nodded.

"Well, I didn't actually want one," he admitted. "I just needed a way to get my hands on some blank pieces of paper. You seemed to like a lot of the stories I grew up hearing, and since they were new to you, I thought you might like to be able to read them whenever you wanted, so..." he shrugged, as if uncertain what else to do with himself. "I wrote them down for you. Or, more accurately, I'm writing them down for you. I still have a few to go."

Kataj stared at the book, overcome with emotion to the point of speechlessness. It was impressive enough that Wolf had remembered her birthday. The fact that he'd gotten her a gift, something he'd put time and effort into, was simply extraordinary.

"I love it," she said softly, closing the book and running her fingers over the cover before looking directly at Wolf. "This is the most thoughtful gift anyone's ever given me."

Witch, Wolf, WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now