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One evening in early winter, after a day of schooling, chores, and working with Tante Bettina, Katja was exhausted and couldn't wait to scrub the dirt and metal fragments from herself before climbing into bed. Hurrying towards the dormitory, she stepped aside just in time to avoid being hit by the door as it swung open, revealing Elise, trailed, as always, by Mila and Rosamund.

Katja tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, not wanting to draw attention to herself and hoping Elise would simply ignore her and continue on to wherever she was going.

To her surprise, though, Elise stopped and smiled at her.

"Sorry about that!" she said, gesturing with her head towards the door, causing her twin blond braids to glint in the hallway lights.

"It's fine," replied Katja, fixing her gaze firmly on the stone floor.

"We were just headed to the steam room," offered Elise. "You should come with us."

Katja's head jerked up in surprise. Elise had never invited her anywhere, to do anything, before. A part of her wondered why she was being so nice now, but another part, the part that was lonely and eager for a friend, couldn't help but feel hopeful and perhaps even a little excited.

"Really?" she finally asked when it was clear Elise was waiting for an answer.

"Really!" replied Elise with a laugh. "Go get your robe, and we'll meet you there." She smiled again, then took off down the hall, head held high even as her friends glanced back, clearly uncertain as to what had just happened.

Katja watched the girls go. Normally, she preferred to bathe when there was no one else around, and the same went for using the steam room, as she didn't relish others staring at her scarred arms. She'd been undressed among her peers before, of course, but it had always been for a very short amount of time, typically just long enough to change clothes.

Then again, no one had teased her about her scars for a while now. Not to mention, Elise had seemed sincere, and while it was certainly new behavior from her, perhaps she'd decided there was no point in being mean since they all had to live with one another. Perhaps this was her way of apologizing for how she'd treated Katja in the past.

A very small voice warned Katja this might be some sort of trick, but she quickly silenced the voice and hurried into the dormitory, her mind made up.

Changing out of her dirty clothes, Katja hurriedly pulled on her robe, shivering both from the cool night air and the excitement of finally being invited to something. So, this was what it felt like to be was wonderful!

Today she would finally become friends with Elise, and then she wouldn't feel so alone all the time, so different from the other girls who eyed her with suspicion and not a small amount of disdain. Elise was pretty and popular, and if she thought Katja was good enough to share the steam room with, Katja had no doubt other children would follow.

A smile tugged the corners of her mouth upwards, and she practically ran down the hall, giddy as her slippers struck the flagstone floor.

Elise and her friends were already in the steam room, and Katja hung her robe on a hook next to theirs, then pulled back the door and stepped into the thick, heated air, her skin prickling at the sudden change in temperature. As the steam dissipated, she could make out Elise and the other girls perched on the teak benches.

"Come sit up here!" Elise called, getting to her feet and holding out her hand, ready to help Katja up. Katja eagerly clasped Elise's hand and was about to step onto the raised bench when her gaze landed on the other girl's arm.

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