Intro/Back Story ~ The Challenge

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(Melody is played by Akira Akbar)
(Xavier is played by Dylan Gilmer)
(Ezekiel is played by Darius Marcell)
Melody was laying on her back on the bed. She wanted something to do. She had been editing all day, and her dance season had already ended. She did everything she wanted to do this summer and it's only been 5 days since school let out.
Mel: "Alexa, shuffle songs by Ncredible Crazy Kids."
Alexa: "Shuffling songs by Ncredible Crazy Kids, on Amazon Music."
She thought, maybe she should hang out with her brothers, but she remembered they were at practice. Even though she was the middle child and only girl, she enjoyed hanging out with her brothers. Ezekiel was 17, Xavier was 12, she was 15 turning 16 on September 1st. They understood her, listened to her, and enjoyed doing stuff with her too. She sighed.
Mel: "I wanna do something."
Her mom came in the door. Mel sat up on her elbows.
Mom: "Do you really want to do something?"
Mel: "Yes!"
She said laying back.
Mom: "Go walk around! Meet a friend! Get in trouble for crying out loud! You sit in here all day editing and wonder why you're so bored."
Mel: "Well maybe I will. I'll go for a walk."
She stood up and walked passed her mom. She could hear her tell Alexa to stop. She walked out the front door.
Mel: " 'Walk' she says 'lazy' she says. I'll find something to do."
Ever since school got out her mom has been complaining about her staying in her room all day instead of enjoying her summer like other kids. Melody wanted to go to dance competitions but the season was over. She got a notification from Instagram. She lifted her phone to see what it was. It was a post from NCK that said "Song Challenge". She figured it was a YouTube video, so she turned her phone off and put it in her back pocket. She walks a little more until she sees a car turn onto her street. Not any car, her dad's car. The car stopped next to her and she looked in the window as it let down.
Dad: "Let me guess, your mom pissed you off again?"
Mel: "Yep."
Dad: "Hop in."
She got in the back next to Xavier.
X: "You don't seem very excited about the challenge."
Mel: "X, what are you talking about?"
Zeke: "NCK posted saying that they are holding a challenge and their giving a prize to the person who recreates 'Jingle Bop' the best."
Mel: "Really?!"
X: "Yeah! You should enter! It would give you some publicity!"
Mel: "Yeah, but I'm scared to do it alone."
Zeke: "We'll do it with you!"
X: "Yeah the prize is PRETTY amazing."
Mel: "What is it?"
Zeke: "If we win, they'll tell you. If we don't we'll tell you."
Mel: "Why can't y'all tell me?"
Dad: "It makes you work harder. No looking at the post though."
He says turning the car off.
Mel: "You're gonna do it too?"
Dad: "There's five roles isn't there?"
She nods.
Dad: "Well then I'm doing it for you. Not for me....or my dignity...."
They get out the car. Zeke comes over and puts his arm over her shoulders.
Zeke: "Now we have to convince Mom."
Her dad opens the door.
X: "She'll probably do it. The prize is something you REALLY want."
Mel: "Y'all are mean."
She says laughing a little.
Mom: "Do what?"
Dad: "Mel wants to enter a challenge for this prize she's always wanted."
Mom: "What's the prize?"
Mel: "They won't tell me."
Dad whispers it in her ear.
Mom: "Woah! That's exciting! What do I have to do?"
Zeke: "Recreate 'Jingle bop'."
Mom: "Ok, easy."
X: "I call being AJ!"
Zeke: "I'll be Rahja."
Mel: "I'm Cameron."
Dad: "Your mom and I don't know the people who are left."
Mel: "There's Connor and YM."
X: "Dad should be YM."
Mom: "I guess I'm Connor."
They learned the dance first. It wasn't very hard and they got it down.

Everyone: "Put your legs into it, make your hands clap, finger snap, run it back, it's the Jingle Bop." x2
Zeke: "I was sleep in my bed, heard a thud 'What the heck.' People saying there's a virus and to stay in instead. So I ran down the stairs like 'Who is it?'"
X: "Yo, who is it?"
Zeke: "Wasn't mom or dad, this is. Something. Different.
Dad: "There's a sleigh on the roof. Yo it's lookin' like a Tesla."
Mel: "Santa (idk) out? There's no reindeer?!"
Dad: "I guess bruh."
Mel: "Yo, there he goes!"
Zeke: "Climate change, so no snow."
Mom: "Get a snap of him quick!"
Zeke: "Got it!"
X: "Send a photo bro!"
Mel: "No service?!"
(Don't wanna type the rest....)
After tons of takes, they finally got the video done.
They all laid on the couch.
Dad: "What did y'all just drag me into?"
Mel: "What are you talking about? You killed it."
Dad: "No. It killed me."
~Two Day Later~
It was the day of the results. NCK said they're announcing the winner on live at 2 pm. It was 1:57 and Melody had just got back from swimming.
Mel: "We don't have time to shower."
Mom: "Ok, but you're still wet. Sit on a towel on the floor you guys."
X: "Fine with me."
They sit on the floor and prop her phone up.
Zeke: "I really hope we win because I really want you to win this prize Mel."
X: "Me too. Like it will be good for you."
(People on the live.)
Rahja: "What's up guys?"
Mel: "Shhhh! It's starting."
Conner: "So the results are in."
Cameron: "There were so many entries, so we thank you for that."
AJ: "Plus we went through them all."
YM: "Thanks to all who participated."
Rahja: "Without further ado, let's announce the winner, or should I say, winners. The winners are..."
X: "Oh my god! We won......we won!!!!"
Mel: "You sound like me."
She says laughing.
Her parents come running in the room.
Mom: "Are you guys ok?!"
Zeke: "MOM! WE WON!"
Conner: "Let's try and add them on."
Melody accepted the request.
NCK: "What's up?"
Mel: "Nothing. Oh my god."
She says covering her mouth.
Zeke: "So we didn't tell her the prize because we wanted it to be a surprise."
Dad: "Yeah, she's kinda speechless right now."
Rahja: "Ok, cool."
Cameron: "Well, the prize is a trip to LA to meet us and hang out for a week!"
Mel: "You're joking!"
YM: "Nahh, he's not."
She starts crying.
Mel: "I can't believe it!"
Xavier hugs her.
Cameron: "Aww don't cry!"
Rahja: "Well, you can bring whoever you want and we'll provide you with plane tickets, a place to stay, and meals."
The kids turn around.
Mel: "Dad, please can we go?"
X: "Yeah dad!"
Zeke: "You can come too!"
Dad: "Ok. We can go."
Kids: "Yes!"
AJ: "Well, we have to go. We'll Dm you the rest of the details."
Mel: "Ok, bye!"
She left the live, and they ended the live.
Mel: "Oh my god...we're going to Cali....."
Ezekiel smirks.
Zeke: "And you're meeting Cameron."

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