Chapter 9 ~ Six Flags (Part 2)

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Melody was walking with a guy she just met, and he had his arm around her shoulders as they talked. Why is she doing this??? She just met him! She tossed his arm off.
Mel: "I just realized what I'm doing."
They kept walking.
??: "What's wrong?"
Mel: "The fact that I'm walking with a guy I just met in Six Flags, and I know nothing about you."
??: "Oh, right! My name. I'm Monty.

Mel: "Anddddd"Monty: "Andddd, I'm 15"Mel: "How do I know you're not gonna hurt me?"They stop walking as she crossed her arms

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Mel: "Anddddd"
Monty: "Andddd, I'm 15"
Mel: "How do I know you're not gonna hurt me?"
They stop walking as she crossed her arms. Monty looks at her.
Monty: "You're not supposed to put your hands on girls. Duhhh."
He said rolling his eyes playfully.
Mel: "Cool."
She said smiling and messing with his curls.
(Not flirting btw)
Mel: "I'm still gonna be attentive."
Monty: "Fair enough."
He said putting his arm back over her shoulders.
Cameron texted Ezekiel.

(*guy)They met up where they had split up

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They met up where they had split up.
Zeke: "DUDE! You let some RANDOM guy take my sister?!"
He walked towards him. Conner and Rahja held him back.
Cameron: "DUDE! WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME?! She's the one who was determined to go with him!"
Zeke: "Why are you mad?!"
Cameron: "Cause he took her from me!"
Zeke: "NAHHH! You're jealous cause you like her!"
They all got silent. Cameron knew it was true.
Cameron: "N- not true! You're making it seem like he kidnapped her!"
Zeke: "You made it seem like that!"
Cameron: "Well SORRY!"
YM: "SHUT UP!!!"
They both got silent.
YM: "Thank you! Now, what really happened then, Cameron, 'cause what I'M hearing is you let our lil' sis kidnapped!"
Cameron: "That's not what happened! He didn't even touch her!"
AJ: "What?"
Cameron: "She convinced me to let her go with him."
Conner: "That doesn't even sound right."
Rahja: "I can tell by your face that you're leaving something out."
Cameron: "Well...."
Zeke: "You know what? I could care less! We need to find her."
AJ: "Agreed!"
Ezekiel took out his phone and FaceTimed her.
Monty: "I'm serioussss! I like my loose curls!"
He said as they laughed together.
Mel: "Awww, please?"
She said pouting.
Mel: "If we hang out again, then you'll let me braid your hair?"
He sighed.
Monty: "Fine."
He said finally giving in.
Monty: "Only... if we hang out again."
He said hugging her from behind with his arms around her neck.
Mel: "Yesss!"
Her phone started ringing as she laughed. She took it out and saw who it was.
Mel: "It's my brother."
She answered.
Mel: "Hey Zeke!"
Zeke: "Where are you?! Who is that hugging you?!"
Mel: "It's Monty. Why?"
Zeke: "Where are you?"
Monty: "We're standing in line for lemo-"
Zeke: "I didn't ask you!"
Mel: "Zeke, what the heck?!"
Conner: "Give me the phone!"
He snatched it from Ezekiel.
Conner: "What's up bestieeeee!"
He said walking with the phone at a high angle. They both screamed at each other.
Mel: "Hey Conner!!"
Monty: "Hi."
Conner: "Yeah..., so um, what Zeke was TRYING to say was we need you to kindly return Mel to we can leave."
Mel: "But Conner-"
Cameron: "No buts!"
He says taking the phone from Conner.
Monty: "Him again?"
He said letting go of Melody. He took Melody's phone.
Monty: "If you want her back so bad, I'll just bring her back to y'all."
Rahja: "SEE!"
YM: "All you had to do was ask nicely!"
Monty: "Yeah, cause Mel's brother and the air ball guy weren't helping."
AJ took Zeke's phone.
AJ: "What do you mean 'air ball guy'?"
Monty: "Well, your friend over there-"
Ezekiel's phone hung up.
Monty: "Um, ok...."
He said giving Melody her phone back.
Mel: "I'm sorry. I wish we could've rode more rides."
She said pouting and lowering her head.
Monty: "Hey.."
He lifted her head by her chin.
Monty: "It's ok. We can hang out sometime soon."
Mel: "Alright..."
She said smiling. She jumped on his back. He started walking back to the game. When they got there, all of the guys were there. When they saw her they immediately started walking toward the two. Melody got down and walked towards Conner. She was upset Cameron made the situation bigger than it was. While she was lost in thought, Ezekiel pushed Monty back.
Zeke: "You think it's ok to just take girls?!"
He pushed him again.
Mel: "Zeke, stop....
Monty: "Look man, I didn't mean any trouble."
He said putting his hands up in defense.
He said raising his voice.
Monty: "I- I was-"
Ezekiel pushed him again, this time more forceful.
Mel: "Stop it!"
She said as her voice cracked a little. She was about to cry.
Rahja: "Bro, stop, it's over, we got her back."
Ezekiel pushed him again. Melody felt the tears coming.
Mel: "EZEKIEL! Stop it!!"
She said as a couple tears fell.
Ezekiel punched his face and Monty fell backwards in pain. He covered his eye.
Monty: "Dude! What the h*ll!"
He moved his hand and walked back up to Ezekiel.
Monty: "What is wrong with you! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE REASON SHE CAME WITH ME, GO AHEAD AND ASK OLE SHORT DUDE OVER THERE! HE AGREED! You know what, you and him aren't even worth my time!"
He rolled his eyes.
Monty: "Text me Mel."
He nodded towards her before walking towards the entrance. Melody ran from behind Ezekiel crying, and she faced him.
Mel: "What is your problem?!"
He looked at her.
Zeke: "What's your problem?! Going off with random guys?!"
Mel: "That was my decision to make! He's nice, a gentleman, and was chill! You came up on him!"
She started walking after Monty. She paused and turned back towards everyone.
Mel: "And for the record....he NEVER put his hands on me."
She turned and ran towards the entrance.
AJ looked at Cameron.
AJ: "So, what's the whole story, Cameron?"
Cameron: "You ask so many questions..."
Zeke: "You....left something out, and I punched a guy that did nothing wrong?!"
Cameron looked down.
Cameron: "Uhhh...."
Mel: "Monty! Wait!"
He turned around. His eye was already swelling.
She walked to him with pack of ice she got from a drink stand.
Mel: "I- I- I'm sorry....he normally isn't like that...I hope your ok..."
She said while holding the ice pack over his eye. He softly moved her hand out the way, cupped her face to wipe her tears.
Monty: "It's ok baby girl, I'll be fine."
He hugged her as she cried on his chest.
Monty: "Stop crying..."
He let go and wiped her tears.
Monty: "I'll see you later. You can FaceTime me whenever you need."
He kissed her forehead. He walked away, but then came back.
Monty: "I actually might need this...."
He took the ice pack as Melody put on a fake smile.
Mel: "You probably will..."
He turned and walked away. Melody just broke down. She decided to call Isaiah and his mom to pick her up.
YM: "Bro. You're telling me, that you placed a bet..... in a basketball game..... and you lost!
Zeke: "And you bet on my sister?!"
Cameron: "Yeah..."
Rahja: "Dude, she's not an object."
Conner: "You can't just bet on people."
Cameron: "I know but-"
AJ: "But what? Bro, it's just wrong."
Ezekiel's phone dings.
Zeke: "She went home."
Cameron: "With who?"
Zeke: "Isaiah..."
Mel: "And then he hit him...."
Isaiah: "That's wrong. He shouldn't have done that if he didn't know the whole story."
Mel: "Well, he thought he knew everything. Turns out Cameron altered the story to make himself look better, which I could care less."
Isaiah: "And what? You think he just altered it for no reason?."
Melody tilted her head and wiped the rest of her tears.
Isaiah: "He likes you. Why else would he get jealous?"
Mel: "Seriously?"
Isaiah: "Yeah. And I know you like him."
Melody looked down.
Mel: "I'm questioning it..." Isaiah: "You know you don't mean that."
She laid on his shoulder.
Mel: "I just wish everything could be easy again..."
They got to the house. Melody and Isaiah got out the car and walked to the porch.
Isaiah: "You sure you'll be ok alone at the house?"
Mel: "Yeah. Plus it's still bright outside."
Isaiah: "Alright."
He hugged her.
Isaiah: "I'll see you later, oh, and don't do anything stupid."
They both laughed.
Mel: "Oh what possibly could I do?"
Isaiah: "You know, there's a lot actually-"
Mel: "Goodbyyyye"
She said pushing him. He sped up and got in the car to leave.
Melody used her key to get in the house. She went to her room and watched Netflix.
~6 hours later~
The sun was setting now. Melody's door opened as she finished yet another movie.
Zeke: "We're back."
Melody got up and pushed pass him. She went to go sit on the roof and watch the sunset. Ezekiel looked down. He felt bad even though it's mostly Cameron's fault.

(This day still isn't done, there's a part 3 😳)

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