Chapter 7 ~ Six Flags (Part 1)

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Mel: "Mmm"Long day yesterday she thought

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Mel: "Mmm"
Long day yesterday she thought.
She grabbed her phone.
Mel: "8"
They were meeting the rest of NCK at Six Flags at ten so it's time to get up. They wanted as much time as possible to ride all the rides. The door opened.
Zeke: "Dude, your mom has been calling you for like 10 min-"
He looked at Cameron and then Melody. Then he looked Melody up and down.
Zeke: "I'm sorry! I- I didn't know your sleep, well you're still sleep...I'm just gonna leave..."
He shut the door.
Melody looked down to see what he was freaking out about. She saw Cameron hugging her from behind, asleep. She smiled slightly.
Cameron: "mhm?"
Mel: "As much as I would love to lay and cuddle with you, we're supposed to be getting up."
Cameron: "Oh...I'm sorry..."
He said in a morning voice while releasing his hands.
Mel: "It didn't bother me."
She got out of the bed and went to her room.

~Time Skip~
They pulled up to Six Flags Magic Mountain. Melody hopped out the car super fast, excited to see the other guys.
Mel: "Come on, come on, come on!"
Cameron and Ezekiel get out of the car. Cameron laughed at an excited Melody and pats her head.
Cameron: "You're such a child."
She crossed her arms.
Mel: "Ha ha ha very funny."
She said sarcastically.
Mel: "Now let's go!"
She pulled them both towards the entrance.
She said as they quickly walked off.
They walk to the ticket stand and see the guys.
Mel: "AJ, Slenderman, C Finn, YM."
She says hugging them all. They all look surprised.
Cameron: "You got nicknames fast."
Zeke: "She's excited because she's never had friends to hang out with, they were all fake."
She hit his side and looked down.
Conner: "Don't worry."
He walked and put his arm over her shoulders.
Conner: "You got us."
YM walked to her and held out his hand.

YM: "Let's go ride some rides, gang."
He said while doing the handshake.
Conner removed his arm from over Melody's shoulders.
Conner: "Now, who's paying 'cause I'm not paying for all of y'all too?"
They ended up paying for themselves. As they're walking in, AJ turned around and continued walking backwards.
AJ: "Now...which one of y'all are a ride person?"
He says waving his arms from Melody to Ezekiel.
Zeke: "I am"
Mel: "Me too."
Cameron: "But you-"
Mel: "That was a one time thing."
Cameron: "Oh, right....churros."
He said laughing and putting his elbow on Melody's head.
She scoffs and removed his arm.
Mel: "Rude."
She said playfully rolling her eyes.
Rahja: "Well, when it comes to spinning rides, you guys are on your own."
He said pointing at a spinning teacups ride.
All: "Same!"
They all said laughing.
Zeke: "We should start at the front and make our way back."
Conner: "Well, the first one is right there."
Cameron: " 'West Coast Racers' this one looks like it has a ton of flips and turns. Think you you can handle it?"
He said smirking as they both stared at the entrance of the ride.
Mel: "Yeah. I ate light today."
She said as they both kept their gaze.
Cameron: "Alright."
They fist-bumped and followed the rest of the group. They got to the end of the line which wasn't super long.
AJ: "Which part of the cart are you riding in?"
YM: "Well you already know I'm tryna ride in the front."
Zeke: "Alright, let me hit it with you."
He said dapping him up.
Mel: "Y'all do understand that one of us is gonna have to ride alone?"
Rahja: "Oh, yeah. I can tell you right now it's not gonna be me."
AJ hit Rahja's shoulder twice with the back of his hand.
AJ: "Let's go."
Conner: "Guess I'm riding alone."
He said face-palming.
Cameron: "And it probably means you're riding alone the whole time we're here."
He sat patting Conner's shoulder twice. He grabbed Melody's hand and led her away.
Mel: "Sorry"
She mouthed and shrugged as they walked away.
Conner: "No big deal. I'm a man."
He said to himself and followed them to the cue. They got on the ride. Melody sighed.
Mel: "I don't know if I should be scared or excited."
Cameron: "I can't help you, I've never been to Magic Mountain."
Mel: "Totally made me feel better."
She said laughing.
The ride starts and half-way through, Melody had grabbed Cameron's hand.

(Tbh you can choose which track you ride on 'cause there's two side-by-side.)
The ride stopped and Mel slowly opened her eyes.
Cameron: "Are you ok?"
Mel: "Oh my god! That was so fun! And I feel completely fine! And-"
Cameron: "Woah! Glad you liked it."
He said laughing.
Cameron: "Come on, child."
He grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers. They walked on the side walk with the rest of the guys.
Mel: "CJ! Look at that huge purple bear stuffed animal!"
Cameron: "Why? You want it?"
Rahja: "Bro, really? We're trying to ride more rides."
Conner: "Yeah man.... We're looking for more adrenaline rush."
Mel: "It's ok! We can come back."
Cameron: "No, it's fine. Y'all go on without us. I'll text y'all to see where y'all are at later."
Zeke: "Whatever...floats your boat I guess."
He said with a weird expression that Melody couldn't figure out. They walked their separate ways.
Cameron: "Ignore them. Let's have fun on our own."
Mel: "Yeah. Uh about the bear, if we win it, how are we gonna get it home?"
Cameron: "Let's worry about that after I win it for you."
Melody smiled a little. They walked to the game.
Worker: "He shoots....and miss! Too bad buddy. Better luck next time."
??: "D*mn it!"
Mel: "Angry much?"
Her and Cameron laughed.
??: "Oh! You guys think it's funny huh?"
Cameron: "I mean, we're laughing so...."
He walked towards them.
??: "Well..."
Melody intertwined her fingers with Cameron's.
??: "How about you try."
He said poking Cameron's chest.
Cameron: "I was going to anyways."
He said rolling his eyes.
??: "Yeah, but if you lose....I steal your fine a*s girlfriend."
Even though Melody liked Cameron, she'd take a compliment any day.
CJ, Mel: "We're not dating."
He looks at their hands then back at them.
??: "Easier for me."
He said reaching towards her.
Cameron: "No- Fine, I'll do it."
Mel: "But CJ w-"
He turns towards her and held both hands.
Cameron: "Do you want to go with him?"
Mel: "Tbh..."
She peeked around Cameron. She leaned back. She thought that since Cameron didn't like her like that, that he wouldn't mind.
Mel: "I wouldn't hate it."
Cameron: "Exact- wait.... huh?"
He looked at the guy then turned back. She raised her eyebrows. He knew what she meant and he was a little hurt.
Cameron: "OH... Then you've gotta let me play!"
He said trying to not sound upset.
Mel: "Ok...fine, BUT under one condition. You don't try and break off the bet if you lose!"
Cameron: "You know I can't promise that!"
He said looking upset.
??: "Is it that hard to get a yes or a no?"
Cameron looked at Melody with a 'I can't' look. Melody sighed.
Mel: "Then let's go find the othe-"
Cameron: "Fine!"
He turned to the guy.
Cameron: "Deal."
They shook hands. The guy clapped and rubbed his hands together. Cameron payed the worker and walked into the gated area. Melody leaned on the fence watching.
Worker: "The game is simple. You shoot from layup, free throw, and three point range. You can only move back if you make it."
Cameron: "Oh, easy."
He took a ball and easily made the layup range. The guy came and leaned on the fence beside Melody.
??: "So, what's your name?"
He said looking her up and down.
Mel: "Melody, but I go by Mel. And you?"
??: "You'll find out sooner or later."
Mel: "Alright."
She said laughing.
Cameron saw them and got a little mad. He took another ball and went to the free throw line. He shot it and made it.
??: "His form is.... weird, it's gonna mess up his three point shot. Watch."
Cameron shot and air balled.
Mel: "Woah, how did you-"
??: "He kept leaning straight back when he shot, which meannnnns his trajectory would be short."
He put his arm over her shoulder.
??: "Now, I'm pretty sure a deal is a deal."
Cameron came out of the gate.
Cameron: "Yeah...guess I'll see you later."
Mel: "Yeah, I'll see you later."
Her and the guy walked away, leaving Cameron standing there with his hands in his coat pocket. The worker walked up to him and put his hand on Cameron's shoulder.
Worker: "Sorry son... you'll get her next time."
Cameron: "I kinda already have her, she lives with me."
The worker's eyes widen.
Cameron: "And no, we're not siblings. She's my soon-to-be cast mate who's from out of state."
Worker: "Makes sense."
Cameron: "I'm gonna go find my friends."
He walked off before the worker could say anything else.
Sorry for being gone so long! I'm back though, and this is only part 1. Also, I'm writing this at school on my school computer cause I got it to work, which means that I'll try to be active during school too! <3

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