jealously 2019 andy x reader

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This was requested by lexweeb123 thank you so much for commenting! Thank you for giving me another idea as well!

Andy pov

I was on my way home from going to the shop to get some snacks for me and my crush.

Y/n l/n (your name and your last name if you did not know)

They was so cute and beautiful I could look at them all day and they soft shing h/c (hair colour) it would alway shine in the sun but that not all there e/c (eye colour) would always shine and sparkle when they look at me it was like I was watching a sun set and it was a amazing feeling

But lately they have been getting very close towords chucky and I was get mad and stressed I dont know why though

Since they live next door to me it was no problem for them to come around any time and my mom loved them she would always tease us by saying 'awww dont you look so cute and adorable together I hope you get together in the future' yeah I would always go bright red.

My thoughts got cut of by me looking up and realizing that I'm at home and so I unlock the door because y/n felt safer locked and but they was not alone they had chucky with them so they would always have company

As I walk in and close the door I hear laughing and giggling I walk in the room and I see that y/n and chucky laughing and giggling getting along to be honest later the moment I wish I was chucky I want them to be like that with me. Wait what's this feeling is it... jealously? I can't be jealous over a doll right? It dose not matter at this moment I just wanted to be with y/n and not chucky I wanted to be there instead of him.

Y/N pov

I was in Andy's room laughing with chucky because andy went out to get some snacks for us to eat while we wach some movies later with chucky as well.

As me and chucky was laughing and giggling I heard the door open about I was too busy dying from laughter and giggle I was laughing so hard I was crying I really enjoyed hanging out with chucky it was fun but as we was laughing and all I felt as there was eyes starting into my soul and burning the back of my head.

I look to my right to see andy but he had this jealously look in his eyes I guess he noticed me looking at him to be honest I had a crush on andy he was so kind and his eyes the way he look at others and me the gaze was always so soft and his hair would shine as bright a the sun when the sun gaze on it I always wondered if it was soft

Then I picked up chucky and said 'let's all go wach a movie together' as a reply I got a existed nod from chucky and a 'okay let's go' from andy his vocie was like music to my ear

With chucky still in my arms we headed to the living room I felt like having a horror night so I ask andy something ' hey is it okay if I invited pugg and Falyn?' I swear I saw as bit of sadness in his eyes ' it's okay if not andy we can just have the movie night just us three?' ' no it's okay I just did not get enough snacks for pugg and Falyn that's all' he lied truth be told he just wanted to spend time with you, his crush because tonight he wanted to confess his feelings towards you

' okay I understand' was my reply totally forgetting chucky in your arms you say down now realizing chucky you put him on you lap and you kissed his forehead and he giggled 'what was that for y/n?' 'Oh sorry you just looked so cute'

(Nobodys pov)

Andy wached the while thing and he wanted chucky of you and for him to be on your lap and you to kiss his forehead 'let's wach the horror film it?' Y/n said 'okay' was Andy's reply

After the film

After put the snack in the bin and cleaning the area y/n had to go home but before that andy wanted to say something 😏

'Y/n can I tell you something'

'Ofc andy what's up?'

' I uhh I-I I LIKE TOU Y/N'

As andy opened his eyes he was met with someone's lips crashed onto his lips it was y/n's they was so soft and sweet he kissed by and they both broke the kiss and looked at each other
' I like you too andy and if your gonna ask will you be my girlfriend ofc I will!'

Andy then hugged her small body(sorry if you tall or an alright size but for now you small) you hugged him back then he picked you up and took you to hes room ' i have already asked your parents if you can stay and they said yes' andy said all he got in a reply was a small 'mhm' from the cat like person that is currently to busy snuggling up to andy

Andy then hugged her small body(sorry if you tall or an alright size but for now you small) you hugged him back then he picked you up and took you to hes room ' i have already asked your parents if you can stay and they said yes' andy said all he ...

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You have already fell asleep and andy could hear was little foot steps then chucky appeared behind y/n and he asked if he could join in the hug andy was about to say no then y/n said tiredly 'ofc' so chucky just snuggled with y/n.

As andy was now slowly falling to sleep he pulls y/n close too him, as he feels like he going to lose her too chucky

Hope you enjoyed my first oneshot on here plz comment more requests!!

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