childs play 3 andy x reader

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This is a andy x reader you and andy are 16 and andy has just joined your Shalton little sister

Y/n p.o.v

I feel as though I cant go anywhere without my annoying brother following or telling me that I cant do it because ItS tOo dAnGeRoUs he has even made me share a gid damm dorm room well not for long today I had asked to move dorms so I wont have to share with my brother

They said because they know I'm mature and sensible I can share with that new kid Barclay. So I'm now trying to quickly pack so my brother wont catchme moving dorm because if he did god knows what he will do probably have a fit and try to kill barclay

I rush over to my new dorm and start to unpack as fast as I could then I  head the door open and as fast as I could turn around hoping it wasn't my brother and to my luck is wasn't I sigh in relief it was barclay

'Oh hey I got told you were moving in with me but never new you would ao fast' andy

I continue to unpack while answering him with a simple

' oh the faster I unpack the more free time I have Heh' I say while scratching the back of my neck y/n

' do you want help?' Andy

' oh I'm  nerly done but thanks though' y/n

' oh okay' andy I go to sit on the bottom bucket bed and lay down then andy said

' well I'm going to change'


He went into I presume the bathroom I started to get into my pj I sleep in a bra and just as i was about to put me to on andy came in and stared I had my top on now I turn around and find andy stood there a red blushing mess

I start to blush madly and just stom over to my bed and fall asleep andy did the same

( next day )

I wake up to find andy still asleep I mind my business and get ready for the day when I'm done andy was in the bathroom getting ready he walks out just as I finished and we then heard the door fly open with a very angry Shalton standing there glare at me and andy

' and what the fuck do you think your doing here with shitty barclay here huh y/n?'

I rolled my eyes and push andy past Shalton  and walk out while pushing a very confused andy  a very mad Shalton was following right behind me

We get to the hall and get the food and I sit next to andy. Once we finished we went to training I had to stick with Shalton the hike fine because he did not trust me to be on my own anymore witch was sad

Then andy went on hiw he did not know how to use a gun witch I understand him and of course he got shouted at by Shalton then we heard a crying scream by the truck so we went running to it and found a bloodly hand that was most probably been cut off

(In the dorms)

I was in my  dorm with andy and we was just talking and I went to sit on his bed

' haha um in your bed and I'm higher than you' I say while giggling

He blushes at my actions then he continue to unpack then  he sits down to go through his bag of clothes until he shouts in pain I turn to his so fast

' you ok-' I stop mid sentence because a live walking doll came out of nowhere and had a knife I sent think he knows I'm here because he has not even looked up to me and is too busy with andy

Hey long time no see Pall!'

'Wait no your dead we killed you'

'You know what they say you just cant keep a good guy down' he then laughs madly 'andy how you've grown'

' wait the doll knows andy how? And why is he trying to kill him what did andy do?' I thought

'Your not going to kill me you need me!' Andy says very fast 'you need to transfer tou soul into my body!'

' wait wtf is he on about' I muttered I think andy heard because he looked at me but lucky the doll didn't

'Wrong again wimp I got some fresh meat and I'm not going to let you spoil it not this time!'

'Tyler' andy replied


' just think chuckys gonna be your bro'

'I'm not going to let you get away with this. I'm not going to let you near him!' He then throws a shoe the doll I think is named chucky..?

I jump down almost as the door opens I picked the doll up and hid it behind my back

The Shalton was in the doorway ' what's all the racket about?!?!'

' ugh nothing now get out' I closed the door on him before he could say anything

I turn back to andy and say ' okay now what the fuck was that about with this doll' I say while holding the doll up

' wait didn't the doll come to life?!?!?' I say as I dropped the doll on the floor and backed up to the door

then the doll came the life ' ugh you didn't need to drop me ya know?!'

' and andy ya didn't say there were a hot sexy girl watching us

Just as he says that he runs out of the room I didn't bother to try and get it I just stared at andy

To be continued.....

Baiii oh and by the way can you press that star  down there I cant reach it thanks!!

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