glen x fem reader

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Hello please comment what you would like to see on here I dont care what it is as long as it is not 18+ I will do it please enjoy this one

Glens p.o.v

I woke up in a bad mood my mom and dad was down stairs doing god knows and I kinda want to go out so I snuck out I got out of the house and then I walked up to the park I saw something move in the corner of my eye so I go and look for it once I turn I see a beautiful doll like me

I woke up in a bad mood my mom and dad was down stairs doing god knows and I kinda want to go out so I snuck out I got out of the house and then I walked up to the park I saw something move in the corner of my eye so I go and look for it once I tu...

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She had a teddy with her I wonder why? I go up to her but she had a knife and blood all over her and there was a human next to her

Y/n p.o.v

I turn around after murdering a human I always enjoyed murdering people I see a boy doll similar to me he had freckles sea blue eyes and fluffy ginger hair

' why did you just murder them' he asked

'Because it's fun I like it why us it your business huh ginger-ninja'

'You remind me of my dad he likes killing and dont call me that' glen

' why who's your dad'

' I'll show you!' He said happily'

' wait u dont even know your name and you donr even know mine'

' well I'm glen who are you?'

' I'm y/n'

As soon as I said that he grabbed my arm and dragged me somewhere I just went along with it. He opened a window to a attic and we jumped in just as we fell to the floor some people came in they were dolls too.

I just grabbed my knife and pointed it at the unknown people with q bored and emotionless face I walked back and they came forward I stopped and went to slash them with my knife.

But then glen came in front of me and said:

' stop!? Calm down these are my parents'

I stopped and just looked away remembering the blood that was all over me I sighed

' I forgot I just killed somone and then followed a random kid here with blood all over me man I could be killing right now but no I followed a fucking random kid' I say

' wait you actually like killing' the old man says

' yeah what's it to you '

' you so know that we are killer dolls?'

My eyes widened I didn't know glen had killer dolls as parents!!

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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